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Snubbie from Hell

With bonus fireball!

10 Responses to “Snubbie from Hell”

  1. chris Says:

    At Coal Creek Armory a few years back, a man was shooting a snubbie which made a report like incoming mortar fire.

    It was a Ruger snubbie in 50 Action Express.

    He offered me the chance to shoot it and I did once or twice, using my strongest stance and grip.

    Each time, the revolver wound up pointed at the ceiling over my left shoulder.

    It was a Ruger DA revolver (I forget the model, but it was obviously cpmfogired pm a large heavy frame gun).

    I don’t even like shooting 44 Special in a snubbie, so this was truly a beast.

    I believe that a local gunsmith did the rework and caliber change on the gun (I trust quite nicely), but it was too much for me.

  2. John Smith. Says:

    Comes with free hairy knuckle eliminating fireball with every shot not to mention a flash burn tan…

  3. Jay G. Says:

    Y’know, I can bring it to Pittsburgh and we can find a range…

  4. The Duck Says:

    What was with the Hollywood wrist grip?

  5. Jay G. Says:

    I was steadying my hand for the camera.

    Yes, I know. I’ve gone Hollywood… Don’t hate me because I’m beautiful…

  6. Weer'd Beard Says:

    I like it. It hurts good! 🙂

  7. Ambulance_Driver Says:

    He forgot to mention appropriate tactics:

    [Draws revolver and growls menacingly]

    Back off, scumbag, or I’ll make you shoot this thing.”

  8. Kristopher Says:

    chris: Sounds like a rebored .480 Ruger Super Redhawk Alaskan.

  9. Joe in Reno Says:

    Phfft, now this is a handgun fireball

  10. comatus Says:

    But does it come in pink?

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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