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Luckygunner Blog Shoot

For some reason, everyone wants to ask me why they haven’t heard from the folks at LuckyGunner since they announced their Memorial Day Shoot. So, I asked. According to my sooper seekrit sources, it’s apparently turned into a bigger deal than anticipated. And they’re looking into some logistical things (like hotel room blocks, space, etc.). And they said: we hope to make the final announcement today or tomorrow and open up the registration and room blocks at that time.

So, there, you know as much as me. Well, not as much. But you know the stuff you should.

4 Responses to “Luckygunner Blog Shoot”

  1. Sean D Sorrentino Says:

    Thanks for asking them. I didn’t want to bug either them or you.

    I’m planning on being there.

  2. Robert Says:

    I’d like to go, but not sure how ‘eligible’ I am, since I’m a fairly new blogger.

  3. USCitizen Says:

    Thanks for the update … airfare is booked, but the hotel remains a mystery.

  4. Cargosquid Says:

    Well, you are everyone’s favorite Uncle. That’s why you get all these hard questions.

    I’m glad I can drive there. Looking forward to meeting you and all the other “cool kids.”

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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