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Suppressor Law

In Washington, the governor signed it and it has passed. It’s a good step for gun safety, actually making guns safer.

3 Responses to “Suppressor Law”

  1. Rivrdog Says:

    …and a liberal (D)emocrat governor at that, but one who apparently knows which side her bread’s buttered on…

  2. Kirk Parker Says:

    Hope it actually happened in the opposite order.

  3. Bill Says:

    But I now have to admit she has done something I agree with, for the first time since she took office!

    She was corrupt as the AG of the State, leaving behind a budget deficit in that office, (big suprise, she’s a liberal!), and she’s done nothing as governor to change that.

    BUT…at least we can play safer now, (or will be able to in 90 days!)

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