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Obama on guns

Deals that must be done out of the public light:

I just want you to know that we are working on it. We have to go through a few processes, but under the radar.

This is reported by Sarah Brady, a known liar.

6 Responses to “Obama on guns”

  1. MJM Says:

    Thanks for shining some light on “the process.” I’ll add that, with Croley’s background, we should aassume that already underway are meetings between the administration and tort lawyers (now calling themselves “justice” lawyers). What you cannot outlaw through legislation, and what you cannot drown through regulation, you may yet strangle with litigation.
    I see it every day.

  2. Bubblehead Les Says:

    This time, Sarah may be telling the Truth. Anyone who thinks the Anointed One hasn’t deviated from his Written Agenda on his old Campaign Site,, needs to dig it out (if you can find a hard copy, it seems to have been eaten by Cyberspace, funny how that happened). The only thing that has stopped him was Nancy Pelosi being so egotistical that she gave the Republitards the House, and Foreign and External Events outside his Control, such as Japan. Yes, he had a nice Gun Banning Plan in the ‘Urban” section.

    Never Forget, Barack Hussein Obama did NOT Lie when he promised to “Fundamentally Transform America”, as did also Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Mussolini and Hitler when they made their Public Pronouncements for their respective places.

  3. Ron W Says:

    When it comes to guns, Obama is just more of the same from the ruling elite class which imposed many, many unconstitutional and thus, illegal laws upon us. The Federal Gov’t has NO “delegated powers” re: the RKBA EXCEPT for those who are EMPLOYED by the Federal Gov’t while in its service. (Article I, Section 8:16, 2nd and 10th Amendments)

  4. ATL Says:

    Before 2012 any gun restrictions are effectively DOA. Obama in reality is stretched thin, he neither has the time nor the resources to be fighting this fight during his re-election. I wouldn’t turn my back on him, but I would say that this was merely done to placate a nuisance. It allows him to buy time, and also do nothing while saying he is doing something. The best of both worlds.

  5. John Hardin Says:

    This is transparency.

  6. libertyman Says:

    Does this explain the actions taken by ATF in Mexico? That seems to have been picked up by the radar.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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