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Libertarian-leaning Johnson to run for Prez

Says Reason’s Blog.

4 Responses to “Libertarian-leaning Johnson to run for Prez”

  1. DirtCrashr Says:

    A Governor is way better than a Senator.

  2. Josh G Says:

    Paul/Johnson 2012 ticket… now that’s something worth voting for!

  3. Ron W Says:

    The Republican establishment and supposed “conservative” media will deliberately ignore or suppress Johnson’s candidacy, just as they do Ron Paul. Conservative is an adjective, yet many so-called establishment conservatives don’t care to CONSERVE the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

    Johnson and Paul should combine their presidential efforts.

  4. Bubblehead Les Says:

    Gary WHO? Sigh! It’s going to be a LOOOONG Election Cycle.

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