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Having rid the city of violent crime

Chattanooga police raid poker game. This is priceless: Any arrest obviously reduces crime in our city and a crime reduction means safer streets and safer communities.

Says a defense attorney:

Gambling to me is unique crime. It’s one of these crimes, like speeding, where a whole lot of people violate it,” he said. “Everybody who bet money on the NCAA basketball tournament was probably gambling. … It might be a little harder to prosecute a gambling case because gambling on a low level is so widespread.

12 Responses to “Having rid the city of violent crime”

  1. Ted Says:

    The real gem is that the cops came in with guns drawn over a class c misdemeanor that only carries a maximum sentence of thirty days. The cops couldn’t even legally arrest the guys. They had to cite them.

  2. bwm Says:

    The war on poker continues


  3. hellferbreakfast Says:

    Thought poker was legal, according to the TN constitution. Outlaws all forms of gambling except poker.

  4. wfgodbold Says:

    I like how the article keeps going back and forth on whether they were actually arrested or not.

    They say any arrest reduces crime, and then say that no one was arrested, and then say that the complaints about gambling let them make arrests.

    Which is it?

  5. John Smith. Says:

    I am sure that all the drug dealers, murderers, rapists and robbers all can sleep well knowing those vicious immoral gamblers are in jail.. Way to go officers. Maybe you guys will get medals for valor in the line of duty.

    Is it just me or are the cops targeting the easiest crimes these days and letting the hard core criminals go carte blanche.

  6. Ted N(not the Nuge) Says:

    Grr. I just the DA gets fired.

  7. chris Says:

    I feel safer now.

  8. JKB Says:

    Wait, they were playing poker in the street? If not, how does this make the street safer?

  9. Bubblehead Les Says:

    3 to 1 they walk. Any Takers? Ooops, does this mean that I just shut down your Website for Illegal Internet Tax Revenue Removal? I’m sorry.

  10. Matthew Carberry Says:

    I’m pretty sure for “Broken Windows” law enforcement to work the windows have to be visible…

  11. Justthisguy Says:

    Poker is no fun unless you are playing with actual real money of your own, which you can lose. That concentrates the mind, I believe. Poker also works better if everyone at the table is about equally rich, or poor. I recall some fun times playing poker years ago, in which the betting tokens were pennies, nickels, and dimes.

  12. Justthisguy Says:

    My comment is awaiting moderation? WTF? I am quite certain that none of what I wrote in it is the least little bit offensive to anybody!

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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