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Double Barrel Quad Rail

From Laserlyte:

From Gun Porn

6 Responses to “Double Barrel Quad Rail”

  1. John Smith. Says:

    That is just plain ugly… Hillbilly mall ninja…

  2. Mad Saint Jack Says:


    One laser.

    Three pistol bayonets???

  3. Stretch Says:

    No, no, no.
    One light, one bayonet, one laser to get that pinpoint accuracy shotguns are known for and one spare.

  4. That Guy Says:

    Light, Laser, Bayonet, and Vertical Fore Grip so you can put even MORE stress on the hinge and lockup!

  5. Rivrdog Says:

    Is NOTHING safe from the “Friends of Tommy”?

    How about we Tommy up a matchlock musket?

  6. Jerry Says:

    I’ll bet that thing would really leave a whelt if you whompped somebody with it.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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