Archive for April, 2011

April 21, 2011

Gun Porn

Semi Auto Bren

Short shotty

I love this pic.

April 20, 2011

You want the cute, you can’t handle the cute

At about 1:05:



The Obama administration is urging the Supreme Court to allow the government, without a court warrant, to affix GPS devices on suspects’ vehicles to track their every move.

After all, a person has no reasonable expectation of privacy unless they’re getting an abortion.

In other news, I’m going to start marketing a line of GPS device locators.

Bull Pup Saiga Stock

Looks pretty cool. Not sure how useful it is.

For 4/20

Three reasons to legalize pot now.

Odd names

I have a pretty odd name. But 19 of the worst human names in history

deal alert

On 308 and 380 ammo

A cheap way to improve poor pistol sights

Never heard of it

Seen at Joe’s:

Vice says more than 350 lawsuits have been filed after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in District of Columbia v Heller in 2008 that the Second Amendment allows an individual to possess a gun in his or her home for self-defense.

Vice says none of the previous suits has been successful because courts don’t want guns going to dangerous people.

He’s never heard of Otis McDonald (and a few other cases). Lying or stupid?

More Krauthammer on guns

In a follow up to this, reader Tony says maybe he’s evolving:

It is true that with far stricter gun laws, Cho Seung Hui might have had a harder time getting the weapons and ammunition needed to kill so relentlessly. Nonetheless, we should have no illusions about what laws can do. There are other ways to kill in large numbers, as Timothy McVeigh demonstrated. Determined killers will obtain guns no matter how strict the laws. And stricter controls could also keep guns out of the hands of law-abiding citizens using them in self-defense. The psychotic mass murder is rare; the armed household burglary is not.

I guess that is progress from someone who once advocated a total ban on gun ownership and confiscation.

That’s a crime?

Taunting a police dog.

dumb criminals

Man tried to rob store with game remote

Ruger Gunsite Scout Review

Over at the American Rifleman.

Cops searching phones

Police using forensic cellphone analyzers to snoop in drivers’ cellphones during routine traffic stops.

Not that I’d have a need, but mine can be wiped pretty quick. And remotely, if need be. More from Joe.

The war on poker

A look at how a US attorney in Manhattan is turning misdemeanor crimes into felonies. Those involved in this online poker deal are looking at decades in prison. Puritanical busybodies.

Miniature Crossbow Fires Flaming Bolts

Via John.

Gunny economics

Heh: Financial columnists seem to be paying attention to gun companies these days, despite assurances from Josh Sugarmann the industry has been in decline.

The myth of the declining gun industry. Meanwhile, the Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence is pushing a report saying that governments can get all those gun regs they want by refusing to buy police weapons from manufacturers who do not comply. Trouble is, the law enforcement market is pretty small.


In Massachusetts, police respond to a man with a gun at the mall. Turns out, he had an umbrella.

That’s the second time in about a month that people lost their minds over an umbrella. Sad.

Over four miles

Rail gun goes through steel plate at 7km.

Layers of editorial oversight

40mm Glock. Also, the Detroit PD is apparently losing guns.

Update: In comments, PT tells us they didn’t lose them but:

Sold ‘em off when they got their new S&W’s. was selling the 3rd gen .40S&W Glock 22s for around $350 with “Detroit Police Department” engraved on the slide. I almost got one before I reminded myself I don’t particularly like glocks nor do I like the .40S&W

The deal was they refused to sell them to any dealers in Michigan, although once purchased the dealers could sell them Michigan residents or anyone else not legally disallowed.

Gun Porn

Dressel gun:

From Gun Porn

From Brownells 5th Annual Gunsmith Career Fair – 2011

Buy a gun day Saiga

Oh look, another Judge. This one being a long arm that fires 410/45 Long Colt

J-Frame enhancement kit

Very accurate rifles

April 19, 2011

Botach Tactical Issues

Back in January, I let you know of a deal alert for M&P magazines at Botach Tactical. I ordered mine on January 6. It is now 4/19 and I haven’t received them. Nor anything other than an email saying they were on back order. When I ordered them, there was no indication they were out of stock.

Don’t use them if you’re in a hurry.

NRA Annual Meeting Meet Up

Some readers and bloggers have asked about a meet up so I guess I’ll set one up since I’ve not seen one open to everyone. My flight arrives late on Thursday, so I cannot attend earlier events. But I’ll be around later. So, I will be at Rivers Restaurant located at 101 Radisson Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15227 at about 8:00PM on Thursday, April 28th. Should be a fun time. Show up if you like.

I’ll see you there.

Gosh, I don’t know what to say

I’ve never really had an anti-gun person locally. And it makes me all warm inside to see one up and close:

Standing in front of Hodges Library today, the newly elected University of Tennessee student president said allowing employees there to carry guns would make him and other students feel unsafe.

“I don’t want to be trying to pursue an education in an unsafe place,” Student Government Association President Ross Rowland said after the news conference he held on the plaza.

Speaking on behalf of the student body, Rowland told reporters, administrators and passersby they support UT’s position to block legislation that would allow faculty and staff with weapons licenses and training to carry guns on campus.

And the KNS has a poll noting that, well, his side is losing. Of course it is.

Poll via Glenn, who notes we should remember this come funding time.

Update: The University of Tennessee has taken a position opposing freedom and safety. From now on, all of my alumni letters asking for cash will be thrown in the trash.

ViewSonic G Tablet: More stuff

I mentioned I got the ViewSonic G Tablet a bit back. My initial review is here. I’m still digging it. It’s much improved now. Before, I thought the hardware was fine but the software was lacking. Well, nerds on the internet to the rescue. Following the instructions here, I rooted it. Installed clockworkmod to repartition the device and then installed Vegan Tab, a much better and faster operating system for a tablet than the proprietary touch n go or whatever Viewsonic installed.

Installing VeganTab gets you access to more of the default google apps, which for some reason Veiwsonic thought weren’t worth putting on there, like gchat and google voice. Also, though there’s a trick to it, it gets you access to the regular android market. Highly recommend changing the software if you want to use it fully.

Make sure you follow the instructions carefully. I used the wrong version of clockworkmod and bricked the tablet. Fortunately, I’m not the only one to brick a droid and unbricked it using the posts here and here.

Now, it works much better. No more hideous home screen and no more bloatware.

The only real con is that I wish the navigation buttons would light up. I use it in the dark some and they’re hard to see. Fortunately, VeganTab puts the home and back buttons on the screen for you. But lighted buttons would be nice.

Otherwise, I’m a fan. Zippy web browsing. Good for kindle books. Great kids’ toy. I’m a fan of the ViewSonic G Tablet.

Financial Cheer

S&P cuts the government’s rate on its debt from stable to negative for the first time in history.

The US has exceeded its debt ceiling. Isn’t that illegal?

America’s Tax System In Just 72,536 Easy Pages

Why I prefer to stay in free countries

School safety officer uses a fallen cop’s gun to ward off some thieves. Being NYC, he could be charged with unlawful possession of a firearm, according to officials. Thankfully, no charges will be filed.

Those common sense gun laws

Tax Free

Between now and the end of the month, if you buy a GEMTECH TREK-T 5.56mm suppressor, GEMTECH will pay your NFA tax.

At the NRA Annual Meeting

A reminder that Breda and the Second Amendment Foundation are having a little soiree. And she can tell you bloggers how to get press badges.

Some lawyer guys will be there too.

And the Second Amendment Blog Bash has more.

By the time I get to Arizona

Guns on campus bill vetoed by the governor.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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