TSRA Highpower Rifle Championship
Gun nuts hate registering and now we have to do it twice.
Lucky Gunner is finalizing their plans for the blog shoot. And they have put the official registration online. So head on over and get signed up. Promises to be fun with all manner of NFA weapons and free ammo.
Bronze cup used for air rifle practice turns out to be solid gold and worth a quarter million.
I’ve been critical of shoulder holsters because to draw, you have to point the gun at yourself. Turns out, a better technique eliminates that.
And put them on lists. Then, gun criminals on a list that was struck down. Up next, a DWI registry.
Today I made for the kids, at their request, peanut butter and salami sandwiches. My curiosity got the better of me and I tried one. While they are disgusting, they’re not as horrid as you would think.
You hardly notice Oleg is here until you go downstairs and see a half naked Playboy model with a ppsh.
I got the G Tablet yesterday. Played with it off and on. A few quick hits:
The screen is really nice.
Hardware seems great.
The proprietary software is ok. I’ll probably flash it with a more stock version of the android OS. Tap n go or whatever is weak.
The kids love it. I got it, installed Angry Birds and didn’t see it for several hours. They have all manner of games, coloring books, word puzzles, and some tank game that’s really fun.
Great for web apps an e books.
Blogging stuff is a little weird on the keypad.
Video is really good as are pictures.
Needs multiple logins so I can have one log in for kids, the wife, and me. Particularly since my son has ordered quite a few pay games without us knowing.
Some apps that work on your phone don’t work well on a tablet. And some crash, like Weatherbug. Not sure if that’s an app issue or an issue with the Viewsonic’s software.
I recommend it. Will update later and will let you know how new OS works. And I’m sure once I play with it more, I’ll like it a bit better.
First of many posts from my android tablet.
For some reason, everyone wants to ask me why they haven’t heard from the folks at LuckyGunner since they announced their Memorial Day Shoot. So, I asked. According to my sooper seekrit sources, it’s apparently turned into a bigger deal than anticipated. And they’re looking into some logistical things (like hotel room blocks, space, etc.). And they said: we hope to make the final announcement today or tomorrow and open up the registration and room blocks at that time.
So, there, you know as much as me. Well, not as much. But you know the stuff you should.
If the Federal Government “shuts down” TICS will still process background checks on
Caught wind of this story on the local affiliate of vast right wing conspiracy radio. In Colorado, an 8 year-old boy acted out. Became violent. And the police pepper-sprayed the kid to control him. Now, my first thought was OMG! THE COPS ACTUALLY PEPPER-SPRAYED A KID. But reading further, this story is chock full of all kinds of fail.
He tore a piece of trim off a wall and sharpened it to cut people. Teachers barricaded themselves in a room. And he was throwing TVs. Apparently, this four feet tall, 80lb terror had them pinned. And instead of knocking the shit out of the kid in self defense, they called the po-po. The police show up and see an 8 year-old with a weapon. They no doubt run down their options. Shooting the kid is right out. Can’t really tackle him. What if you take him down and hurt him or he accidentally stabs himself with the sharp thing? Taser is no good. So, yeah, I can totally see pepper spraying the little turd.
But what the Hell were the teachers thinking and doing? You allowed the situation to escalate to such a point? That is ridiculous. Back when I was in prison (note: I worked there but still refer to it like I was incarcerated. Because I was for 10 hours a day), one of the units had an issue with a youth acting rowdy. And they called the police. I walked over, looked at the staff person who did that and said You know this is jail right? Then went and had a chat with kid involved and things calmed down. The police showed up and kinda laughed. I did too. It’s ours, we should control it. So should schools.
They interviewed the pepper-sprayed kid, who said he has anger issues. And always will. And he can’t help it. And this kid will use this excuse for acting out for the rest of his life. And this is the real problem. Time for the parents to be parents and unfuck this potential terror before he does some real damage. Eventually, he’ll be an adult.
AZ is the 23rd state to allow law-abiding citizens to carry guns on campuses.
NRA notes Haslam signed the bill that was only written to deal with stupid people:
On March 31, Governor Bill Haslam signed Senate Bill 519 into law. SB 519, which took immediate effect, recognizes that any employer permitting a person to legally carry a firearm on the employer’s property does not constitute an “occupational safety and health hazard” to the employees.
Those two anti-gun lawyers were trying to argue that guns in restaurants were a safety hazard.
Putting sport pipes on your Honda Civic doesn’t make it fast and furious. It makes it sound like it’s perpetually farting.
Was when he keynoted the NRA Annual Meeting banquet in Louisville in 2008. Never heard of him before that and got to watch him give a speech. A few other folks there told me that they liked his show and, so, I awaited his speech. It was a good speech. It was delivered well but I could have done without all the crying. His radio show wasn’t on here until recently and I never really thought much about him. Until all the press and lefties (but I repeat myself) started going on about him. This rekindled a faint bit of interest. And I read some stuff he’d written.
But something happened. Apparently, that guy giving a decent, patriotic, freedom-oriented speech at NRA-Con had gone bat shit fucking crazy.
He is now packing up his chalk and jumbo-pack of Kleenex and leaving FoxNews.
In Maine, automatic unfolding knives made legal for people with the use of one arm. You probably know them by their scary name switchblades.
Having rid the world of terrorism and crime, Orrin Hatch encourages the DOJ to increase prosecutions for porn. The letter was signed by 100 congressmonkies.
Breda has a look at the feminine concealment product mentioned yesterday. The method of drawing seems to involve removing your shirt. So, when some woman using this comes to save you, you can thank her for saving you and for the show.
Like shoulder holsters, I don’t really see how you can draw the weapon without pointing it at yourself.
I must get one of these: Only semi-automatic handguns can leave micro-stamps: Revolvers cannot because their bullets have no shell casings.
Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.
Uncle Pays the Bills
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