Archive for April, 2011

April 08, 2011

Gun Porn

Suppressed Mark III

Tactical 10/22VLE

Beretta M9 lookalike in 22LR

Colt and Savage 1911s

Taurus Tracker in 22

Fire extinguisher

In grenade form.

April 07, 2011

Governor Moonbeam Owns 3 Guns

That’s what he tells a law enforcement group. Good. I wonder if those cops ran his name through the state database to see what he lawfully owns? Since Jerry ain’t saying.

Consumer Blogging

I ordered a new grill. A Primo Junior, if you must know. Now, given it’s odd shape and size, I needed a table for it. So, searching around, I found this table from and thought that would fit the bill. I mean, looking at the picture and how it’s advertised, you’d think that you were getting the right thing. Right? But, no, what was actually shipped to me was this.

That’s a pretty significant difference. They did offer to send us the rest of the parts. At first, it was going to be another $100, which we where cool with. And then, when asked, if these additional parts get me the complete package of what is shown in that photo, we discovered that it did not. We’d need another $160 worth of stuff. Decided at that point that it wasn’t worth it nor was it worth dealing with them. Despite explaining to them on the phone that the image might be a tad misleading and maybe they should look into that, the folks at couldn’t seem to understand that. And felt like I was obviously an idiot for not reading the fine print. The fine print that they had to tell us about. The amazon picture is realistic. Theirs isn’t.

Layers of editorial oversight

Reader cargosquid emails this link:

From Stuff

Ok, then.

Scary Words

Used to describe safety devices:

Robert Lewis was, however, convicted on a fourth charge: possession of a weapon of mass destruction and death for having a homemade silencer attached to a .22-caliber rifle found by the Onslow County Sheriff’s Office during a search of Lewis’ Kanton Hills home almost two years ago.

Really? That’s the charge for possessing a suppressor in NC? Odd. Usually, it’s tax evasion for not paying the $200 tax.

How to cut the budget

I’m with Tam. When they shut down ‘non-essential services’ and no one notices, cut all of those.

More NYC

Sebastian has more, including discussion of chemical deterrent laws in NYC.

From this post, a lot of people are telling me to carry a cane. Really? I think my coworkers might notice if I suddenly developed a limp or something.

I did order some Fox OC. From Amazon. To be shipped to my door in two days. Ain’t America great? And, of course, the S&W TacPen. I’m a fan.

Media Matters and Guns

Shockingly, the hacks are wrong.


When is a gun not a gun?

Proud father

Yeah, I know what you mean:

From Kids

Deal alert

Free mount with the purchase of a Nikon M223. I have a 1-4x Nikon on my 6.8AR from Bison Armory and love it.

Sounds so clinical

feminine concealment products

Attract carnivores

With bacon cologne.

Gun Porn

HS Produkt VHS assault rifle

Never seen such: PPSH lookalike in 22

Suppressed AR

April 06, 2011

Best they got

Dear Republicans, I know it’s early and all. But the people making noises to run on your ticket are unappealing.

Huckabee? Really. I’ll stay home. Don’t need the God Squad indoctrinating me at gun point.

Donald Trump? Uhm, here’s a guy who bankrupted a casino. A fucking casino. How do you do that?

Palin. Damaged goods. Sorry.

Newt: The best one, so far. But he’s tainted too.

Romney: May as well vote for Obama.

Work on it.


Wow. But he never breaks formation or his stride.

Banning Shotguns by Legislative Fiat

Tom Reynolds has an ongoing series on ATF’s shotgun ‘study’ and coming importation restrictions. Expect updates.

Snubbie from Hell

With bonus fireball!

Hope and change

9/10ths of Senators don’t think the constitution is a good idea.

Speaking of NYC

If there’s two things I hate, they are 1) flying and 2) visiting oppressive regimes. But, duty calls, and I have to that this month. And I’ll be stuck in NYC. Pondering my self-defense options there, which seem to consist of either not going or breaking the law. The former not being an option and the latter is not really either. Any thoughts?

Going to NYC

The Second Amendment Foundation and The New York State Rifle & Pistol Association have filed a lawsuit over gun permit fees:

The New York State Rifle & Pistol Association (NYSRPA) in conjunction with the Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) have filed suit against the City of New York over the fees charged by the New York City Police Department for the costs associated with the processing of pistol license applications.


Quote of the day

Rory: Self-defense is what happens when you are losing.


David from UNC-TV visits a shoot where they are shooting guns to record sounds for upcoming video games:

Very cool.

From $600 to $7,000

A look at Anniversary 1911s for sale

Win Gun Stuff

A round up of internet gun contests.

Deal Alert

$50 rebate on CrimsonTrace LaserGrips. I’m a fan of their products.

Glock Revolver

Or layers of editorial oversight.


1099 repeal legislation passes in a landslide.

More Glock Stuff

A look at their supposed decline.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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