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I thought he was already dead

Bin Laden, that is. But it looks like he was shot after a fire fight. After? Very interesting.

And that’s funny.

8 Responses to “I thought he was already dead”

  1. mikee Says:

    For funny, last night before midnight here in Texas I tried google maps of “Osama Bin Laden in Abbottabad, Pakistan.” The comments were terrific, and were posted within minutes of the announcement. My favorite was the simple review, “Seems saf….”

    These reviews are now gone and the current google maps points to a different location, with comments such as, “Secret password: derka derka muhammed jihad.”

  2. Bubblehead Les Says:

    As I posted at T-Bolts place, I also thought he was already dead, and that’s why the Seals had to take the Zombie Head Shot. Plus, dropping the body overboard along with the rest of the trash down a couple of miles to the bottom of the Ocean does prevent it from clawing its way out of the grave, just in case the Brain Stem was somehow missed. But hey, the Bastard is now being serviced by 72 Hungry Cannibal Virgins in Hell for Eternity, and we survived the Gunnie Prom and Toy show, and that’s what matters, right? Anyway, it was a Great Pleasure to consume some Adult Beverages with you, and I hope we can get together soon.

    As to the men from from Seal Team Six, from this old Sailor to those young Sailors who Accomplished the Mission: Well Done.

    “Anchors Away my Friends, Anchors Away….”

  3. workinwifdakids Says:

    A US national security official was quoted this morning as saying, “This was a kill mission.” According to others, this was never intended to capture him. Seal Team Six was ordered by the President to kill him.

  4. Mr Evilwrench Says:

    Unpossible. We don’t do assassinations. /sarc

  5. comatus Says:

    Aweigh. Aweigh. Aweigh. Means the exact opposite.

  6. Bert Says:

    “after” – obviously… He twitched.

  7. Paul Says:

    Has it occured to any of you that Obama may have done all this just to distract everyone from Libya and Gadaffi’s dead children, 5 buck gas, economy, runaway national debt, inflation, etc…??

    You know lots of leaders start wars abroad to get peoples minds off what is happening at home.

  8. Gnarlysheen Says:

    Regarding the picture: I doubt Obama had anything to do with it outside of staying out of the fucking way and letting DevGru do its job.

    Some people are acting like Obama pulled the trigger himself.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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