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The dogs of war

They jump out of planes and have titanium teeth that cost $2K per tooth. Ok, then.

6 Responses to “The dogs of war”

  1. Gunmart Says:

    Wow, even their dogs are bad ass.

    So why is it that you can put titanium teeth in a dog, but they cant put hallow points in their handgun?

  2. TomcatTCH Says:

    This article says 79 SEALs. That’s way above the capacity of 2 or even 4 Pave Hawks, but right in line with 2 of the retired Pave Lows.

    The odd looking tail section we left at the compound points to a new stealthy chopper.

    I guess it’s about as large as the Pave Lows.

    Good to speculate that we didn’t loose that capability.

  3. wizardpc Says:

    They only replace or cap broken teeth with titanium. It’s a common problem with working dogs that do bite work. If my Malinois ever breaks a tooth, we’ll have to do that, too, since they bite with 400-700 PSI of force.

    And that tail section looks remarkably like the rotor portion of the now-cancelled Commanche stealth chopper.

  4. hoodoo operator Says:

    not quite, the comanche had a ducted fan in the tail

  5. hlynkacg Says:

    The helicopter was an MH60 with “Low observability” fairings” and a modified tail-rotor. (most likely for noise abatement)

    I remember seeing a mock-up back in 2008 but didn’t think they were actually being deployed.

  6. wizardpc Says:

    hoodoo: right. The tail of the downed aircraft looks a lot the rotor of the commanche.

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