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No, we wear Wookiee suits

So, Are You Pew’s Idea of a Libertarian?

3 Responses to “No, we wear Wookiee suits”

  1. BornLib Says:

    I looked at that Pew Quiz. How, exactly, is my ability to pay my bills on time (Q11) indicative of my political beliefs?

    And yes, it told me I’m a Libertarian, probably because I refused to answer their bogus questions that did not distinguish between legal immigrants and illegal aliens.

  2. Bubblehead Les Says:

    Well, I guess Pew thinks I’m a Libertarian. Does that give me a discount the Wookie Suit Tailor Shop?

  3. markofafreeman Says:

    I answered less than half of the questions for similar reason as BornLib not answering the one on immigration: most are false dichotomies.

    Yet it still classified me as Libertarian.

    Go figure.

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