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Children and criminals?

Not a good conflation. Also, seizing airsoft guns?

5 Responses to “Children and criminals?”

  1. Shootin' Buddy Says:

    Seizing airsofts . . . where there is a fair probability that they were used in crimes.

  2. Bubblehead Les Says:

    WTF is going on in Arizona? Pima County is slaughtering Marine Vets in SWAT raids, yet “Home Invasions” is the justification for seizing Air Soft? I thought AZ was a Gunnies Paradise?

  3. ExUrbanKevin Says:

    Seizing airsofts . . . where there is a fair probability that they were used in crimes.

    If the guns were seized in the course of an investigation into a crime, then ok, Maybe.

    But if they were seized as a preventive measure, no way, no how.

  4. Bill Says:

    So the article says kids are doing home invasions?
    I also determined that criminals are using cars, should we seize all cars? Criminals wear clothes, seize and or register all clothing sales? I must agree with the police, children are dangerous and should be stopped!

  5. John A Says:

    Yeah, right. Hey, they LOOK sorta like the real thing, right? And it has been going on for a LONG time, as witness the supposed case of a 1930s convict carving a “gun” from a bar of soap and coloring it with shoe polish – better ban and confiscate solid soaps, too!

    I can understand police worrying they might shoot a kid brandishing one of these look-alikes: I certainly would not want to be involved in such a thing. But then I read earlier today of a teen shot by police who thought he had a gun – it was a can of soda.

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