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The most tactical AR-15 EVER

11 Responses to “The most tactical AR-15 EVER”

  1. BrokenTrace Says:

    Damn dude! There’s still some more rail, cram more stuff on that thar AR.

    Some people.

  2. alan Says:

    This is a spoof, right?


    Please say yes.

  3. RedDog Says:

    Pretty cool. But not as cool as the Nija Glock –

  4. jetaz Says:

    What BrokenTrace said.

    That was the best thing I have seen this week.

  5. Laughingdog Says:

    I couldn’t tell whether he was really that stupid, or if this was genius level parody until it got to the outtakes.

  6. HL Says:

    That is a great parody. He is even faking his accent.

  7. TerryP Says:

    Got a good deal on the 8 year plan, hope to have it paid off in 7… Ha!
    Why didn’t I think of that! My entire house could be filled with cool, ninja stuff!!!! Of course I would only do it to help the economy…

  8. Weer'd Beard Says:

    That’s some funny shit right there!

  9. Gun Blobber Says:

    That’s pretty hilarious. I knew it was a joke pretty early on (“Leopard Scope” and 8-year payment plan) but when he got to the “tactical treats” and the cylindrical foods (Tootsie Rolls etc.) I just died laughing.

  10. Monte Says:

    Friggin’ hilarious. But y’know, now I want to put bipods on every side of my ARs… just in case.

  11. Old NFO Says:

    Good one… sigh… 🙂

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