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Warn Weiner

In NJ, sending dirty pics will result in a SWAT raid.

What is with all the SWAT raids for non-violent crimes lately? Jesus.

21 Responses to “Warn Weiner”

  1. BobG Says:

    Since when does it require a SWAT team to arrest someone with short eyes?

  2. alan Says:

    “What is with all the SWAT raids for non-violent crimes lately?”

    Because they can.

  3. Robert Says:

    I even started a meme on the subject the other day (sorry to link-whore):

  4. Robert Says:

    And now the US Supreme Court says that the simple act of fleeing in a car from a police stop is a violent felony:


  5. Sid Says:

    SWAT was used yesterday to apply a parking ticket to a car in a parking spot in front of the local library that had what law enforcement officials describe as a “severely expired meter”.

  6. Jake Says:

    “What is with all the SWAT raids for non-violent crimes lately?”

    If they don’t use them “enough”, they don’t get funded next year.

  7. Jay G. Says:

    Good thing Weiner is a New YORK congress critter, eh?

  8. Ellen Says:

    Jeez Louise, I’m a respectable old lady, but how do I know when some coprolite is going to decide I’ve been felonious? They shoot old ladies, too!

  9. Bubblehead Les Says:

    WTF? A “Technical Emergency and Mission Specialist” Unit was sent in? Christ on a Crutch, are they saying that NJ has Outsourced their SWAT Teams to Best Buy’s “Geek Squad”?

  10. Jeff Says:


    How is fleeing from the police a simple act? Do you flee from the police while stopping by the market to pick up some milk? It’s an overt criminal act that shows reckless regard for human safety.

  11. Robert Says:

    10Jeff: Jeff, imagine you have a teenage son who’s had too much to drink, who makes a stupid decision to drive home from a party. A cop notices him weaving and attempts to stop him, and he panics and tries to flee. Do you really want a SWAT team staked out at a spike strip, ready to shoot him down like a rabid dog?

  12. Bram Says:

    Was there a machine gun in the dirty pics? WTF?

  13. Ian Argent Says:

    Arrest him outside the house and send in the geeks afterwards if you’re that worried about evidence destruction. No imminent threat.

    And, all things considered, he’s unlikely to have been armed. If he was a firearms owner (which the NJSP bloody well knows if someone is), he wouldn’t have been armed off his premises, so officer safety and common sense demands getting him at the local Trader Joe’s or something.

  14. Gmac Says:

    Job justification sadly and a use it or loose it funding mentality.

  15. David Garrett Says:

    I am not leaning towards whether or not they should have used SWAT, but my question is why did they use so much force just to release him right away?

    ” . . . but confirmed that Kekelis was transported to the Union County Jail and released, pending a court date.”

  16. HerrBGone Says:

    If they wear military uniforms, drive military vehicles, use military weapons and pretend to have military training and tactics then they are military. And the intent of Posse Comitatus is clearly that the military is not to engage in police activity within our boarders and acting against our Citizens. They get around that by not being under Federal authority. But the principal behind it remains. What is it going to take before We the People finally stand up and say “No more!” ?

  17. Ian Argent Says:

    How about federal SWAT, then?

  18. Jeff Says:


    Yes. Crying police state and blaiming others doesn’t excuse bad parenting and irresponsibility. If you use the arguement of not accepting responsibility for your actions as an excuse to break the law, then you have no ground to complain about a police state that governs your actions. We are accountable for the things we do in life. Any licensed driver that gets behind the wheel of a car lawfully has a duty to follow the rules and regulations of the road. Getting scared because the police are going to catch you breaking the law doesn’t give you carte blanche to flee, risking your own life, the lives of the police, and the lives of other drivers and pedestrians simply because you don’t want to get arrested. In that analogy, your son was old enough to drive, old enough to make the concious decision to get behind the wheel, and old enough to make the concious decision to directly disobey lawful commands from law enforcement and flee.

  19. Old NFO Says:

    I’ve got to agree with Alan, because they can… They have NO adult supervision…

  20. Calvin Says:

    I think there’s a state level solution to this. They can put requirements that have to be met in order to maintain a team at any level lower than county–or something along those lines.

  21. JimB Says:

    Ahhhh… The internet… Where men are men, women are men and little girls are FBI agents….

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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