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What a difference a gun makes

Meryl Yourish heard a bump in the night.

3 Responses to “What a difference a gun makes”

  1. Chas Says:

    Markie Marxist sez: “See! That’s why private citizens can’t be allowed to own guns! It takes away their dependence on the government and gives them a sense of their own independence! We can’t have that! It’s an outrage against Marxism! People like that are NOT good communists!”

  2. Brad Says:

    Anti-gun nutballs would advise calling the cops instead of grabbing a gun. But can you imagine how ridiculous that advice is in the real world?

    Investigating an odd sound coming from somewhere inside the home is the classic gray zone scenario (and horror movie cliche). Where the sound is disturbing enough that it can’t be ignored and must be found out, yet the immediate evidence of threat is inadequate to warrant calling the police for help. Dealing with this situation is what handguns are ideal for.

    Or if you are a fat-cat anti-gunner like Mayor Bloomberg you can hide in your panic room while your armed bodyguard investigates the sound!

  3. chris Says:

    There are no statistics kept for this type of example of the benefits of having a firearm at the ready.

    This has happened to me on multiple occasions and, each time, the peace of mind and calmness I bring to what would otherwise be a frightening experience is palpable.

    I don’t fear walking in a parking garage or in a dark parking lot.

    I don’t fear confrontation with potential criminals. I don’t welcome confrontation, but dealing with it is more a matter of logistics and training paying off. It has happened a few times and each time I handled the potential problem with my finger never even touching the trigger of my weapon.

    When a small branch falls on the roof, I do not instinctively experience my heart jumnping into my throat, like I would if I were unarmed.

    I get considerably more afraid in circumstances where I am disarmed (e.g. an airport, an airplane, a sports venue, etc.) than in potentially problematic circumstances when i have my carry weapon(s).

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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