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For your own good

Well, unless there’s revenue to be had.

3 Responses to “For your own good”

  1. Michael Hawkins Says:

    Ever run your local precinct though the database?

  2. Laughingdog Says:

    The comments are a good reminder of why Canada is included in the list of places I’ll never live. What a bunch of little statists.

  3. Ferret Says:

    Whenever a county or city government wants to install traffic cameras, every other word from them is “Safety”.

    Fast-forward a few years later, after the cameras have been installed and they start breaking down or turn into a magnet for bullets and burning tires. When a camera is out of service, those very same people who were previously yapping about safety are now incessantly repeating another word: “Revenue”.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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