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Speaking of hope and change

10 lawmakers suing the president claiming that the continued military action in Libya wasn’t authorized by congress.

And the Obama administration argues that lobbing missiles into a country and spending $716M aren’t actually, you know, hostilities.

Say what you want about Bush but his wars were authorized.

8 Responses to “Speaking of hope and change”

  1. Mr Evilwrench Says:

    Yeah, I guess if someone were lobbing missiles into the US it would depend who they were whether it was an “act of war” or even “hostility”.

  2. Chirol Says:

    Bush’s wars were not authorized either. COngress has not declared war on Afghanistan or IRaq. Hence they are illegal. The war powers act is BS because congress can pass a law changing the constitution. The have to amend it.

  3. mikee Says:

    Bush’s wars were authorized by the UN and by Congress, but somehow illicit, illegal, immoral, unwinnable, and justified by lies. But hey, he was a Republican President, not a Democrat.

    I can see how that is all the difference necessary for President Obama to avoid problems with his Libyan kinetics.

  4. Stretch Says:

    Elect a Cook County Politician get Cook County attitude towards law.
    And people are surprise why?

  5. Ron W Says:



    Our government, lead by CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) puppet/agents (Bush-Clinton-Bush-Obama), wage undeclared, unconstitutional wars while they ALLOW the invasion of our country , in direct violation of Article IV, Section 4 that “the United States SHALL…protect the State against invasion…” this is giving “aid and comfort to the enemy” that wants to come and stay and according to the wording in Article III, Section 3, this is “treason”.

  6. JKB Says:

    But Obama has ended war as we know it. Kill, bomb, maim all the president wants but as long a there are no boots on the ground or pilots in the planes, no war.

    Droid wars are the future

  7. Gnarlysheen Says:

    “Bush’s wars were not authorized either. COngress has not declared war on Afghanistan or IRaq. Hence they are illegal. The war powers act is BS because congress can pass a law changing the constitution. The have to amend it.”

    Wow, there’s a lot of dumbass in your post.

  8. Ian Argent Says:

    For that matter, Lt. O’Bannon led some of Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children to the Shores of Tripoli on an authorization of use of military force…

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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