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Post title win

I was unaware of the hoops you have to go through in Michigan to buy a gun. An safety inspection where they seem to make sure to inspect the make, model and serial number.

10 Responses to “Post title win”

  1. Bubblehead Les Says:

    Michigan Gooberment: “It’s not Illegal Registration. Why? Because we worded it as a Safety Check, that’s why!”

  2. chris Says:

    This procedure has obviously served to make Detroit the paragon of safety that it is.

    No wonder the Nuge moved to Texas.

  3. Stan Says:

    They’ve since dropped the pretense of it being a safety inspection and owned up to it being registration so you no longer have to bring your gun to the station with you.

    You still have to get permit to purchase each time for each pistol though, some departs like to be dicks about it and make the hours they issue permits odd even though state law says they have to issue them any time the station is open for normal business.

    The whole permit to purchase thing came about after a black man (Dr Ossian Sweet) defended himself from a white mob assaulting his home. Shortly thereafter permits were required to purchase pistols. What a stunning coincidence eh?

    Another screwball of Michigan gun laws is that any firearm that is less than 30″ in length is considered a pistol and must be registered as such. This means that most folding stock AK’s are considered pistols and you can legally carry them concealed with a permit.

  4. Bryan S. Says:

    Sounds very similar to a test for voting, which is illegal. discrimination, against the mere people of a state, still legal in MI.

  5. Weer'd Beard Says:

    Or like the bullshit “Handgun Safety Roster” here in Mass.

    Its not a gun control law or a gun ban, its a “Consumer Safety Measure”.

    Also means that the Attorney General can have full control over it.

    That’s why you can’t buy Glocks in Mass despite them meeting ALL the safety standards and tests, and Glock spending millions of dollars to get them there.

  6. PT Says:

    Guess what prompted registration of pistols in Michigan?

    “Ossian Sweet was an American physician. He is most notable for his self defense in 1925 of his newly-purchased home in a predominantly white neighborhood against a mob attempting to force him out of the neighborhood in Detroit, Michigan, and the subsequent acquittal by an all-white jury of murder charges against him, his family, and friends who helped defend his home, in what came to be known as the Sweet Trials.”

  7. Rob Reed Says:

    Yep, the “Safety Inspection” pretext is dead.

    They just ‘fess up and call it handgun registration now.

    The only improvement is we no longer have to take our guns in person to the police station to be finger f****d by the bored clerk or cop behind the desk. Now we just take our paperwork in.

    My very first Detroit Gun Rights Examiner column was actually about this.

  8. Chas Says:

    Markie Marxist sez: “Ha! Ha! We Marxists own America! Our illegal, yeah, illegal, as in breaking the law, immigrants don’t even need an ID to vote in this country, but we make genuine US citizens slowly shuffle through onerous bureaucratic harassment to exercise their constitutional right to keep and bear arms! We just haven’t found a way to eliminate the bureaucratic entanglements with guns for our illegals yet. Oh, wait a minute! That was what “Fast and Furious” was about, wasn’t it? I guess we’re already there! Ha! Ha! We commies really do own this country! No bureaucratic impediments when our illegals want guns! We just serve those AKs right up with no paperwork at all! Ha! Ha!“
    “Comrade President Obama has worked out better than we thought he would! Ha! Ha! He really knows what he’s doing!”

  9. Magus Says:

    It’s been a couple of years since I’ve read the Sweet Trials transcript, it was a very interesting read. Everyone should read the opening statement of Arthur Garfield Hays (Mr. Sweet’s attorney).

    And did we not have this right of self-defense, were the use of arms never justified, we should all be subject to the terrible passions of man who would have no reason to fear mans retaliation. Self-defense is a necessary feature of organized society. It is the dearest right of a free man. Anything less than the right to use the fullest measure of protection when home and life are threatened would be contrary to human nature. No civilized society could survive without the right of self-defense. But, however valuable that right may be to a powerful man in the high classes of society, it is essential to the humble citizen…

  10. Slawson Says:

    That’s why when I lived in michigan I only owned long guns.

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