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Tar and feathers

Judge sentences a mom for spanking her child:

A judge in Corpus Christi, Texas had some harsh words for a mother charged with spanking her own child before sentencing her to probation.

“You don’t spank children today,” said Judge Jose Longoria. “In the old days, maybe we got spanked, but there was a different quarrel. You don’t spank children.”

Rosalina Gonzales had pleaded guilty to a felony charge of injury to a child for what prosecutors had described as a “pretty simple, straightforward spanking case.” They noted she didn’t use a belt or leave any bruises, just some red marks.

Sounds like someone needs to take a lash to the judge.

16 Responses to “Tar and feathers”

  1. Paul Says:

    Pleaded guilty? To a felony?


    I’d fight that for all it’s worth UNLESS there is more to the story.

  2. M Gallo Says:

    Sounds more like someone needs to take 168gr to a judge.

  3. Magus Says:

    “prosecutors had described as a “pretty simple, straightforward spanking case.”

    Prosecutors? Plural?

    This actually went before a Judge!

    “You don’t spank children today,” said Judge Jose Longoria. “In the old days, maybe we got spanked, but there was a different quarrel. You don’t spank children.”

    I read the linked story… And then… Stress set in…

    Stress: The conflict that occurs when your mind overrides your bodies natural urge to choke the living shit out of some asshole who desperately deserves it.

    All that comes to mind is a quote from Heavy Metal:

    Hanover Fiste: He’s nothing but a low-down, double-dealing, backstabbing, larcenous perverted worm! Hanging’s too good for him. Burning’s too good for him! He should be torn into little bitsy pieces and buried alive!

  4. Jake Says:

    I’m with Paul – I’d fight that to the end unless there’s more to the story. At the very least, I would put it to a jury. Even if I got convicted, that way I could appeal it. Generally, if you plead guilty you forfeit any right to appeal.

    Of course, as a gun owner, I wouldn’t even agree to plead it to a misdemeanor, since it would be considered a domestic violence conviction – good-bye 2nd Amendment Rights, forever.

    I wonder what the MSM isn’t telling us?

  5. Robert Says:

    I’m sure that they blackmailed the mom in question. If she’s here on a green card then it would have been with deportation. Otherwise it probably was a “plead guilty or we take away your child forever and place them in foster care” sort of thing.

  6. SPQR Says:

    The prosecutor also should be tarred and feathered.

  7. Bubblehead Les Says:

    Not sure, but I think Ohio passed a “Right to Spank” law a few years back. If Texas doesn’t have one, then Gooberner Perry needs to step in and get one through the Legislature Fast, and Pardon the Lady in question, and GET THAT JUDGE OFF THE BENCH NOW!

  8. Mike M. Says:

    This is a gut check for Perry, a test to see if he’s Presidential caliber.

    If he is, that judge and prosecutors will be facing charges – such as contributing to the delinquency of a minor at minimum. Rebellion if possible. Charges prosecuted with all possible force.

    Tar and feathers aren’t the goal. Prison sentences are.

  9. Huck Says:

    “Tar and feathers aren’t the goal. Prison sentences are.”

    How ’bout both?

  10. Chas Says:

    Felonizing someone for spanking her child is okay? We strip someone of the right to vote and take away her right to keep and bear arms too, for life, just for giving her child one, mild spanking?
    We have to have a conflict between “Right to Spank” laws vs. spanking as felony in this country? The government is out of control, and far too deeply involved in our lives, and both of those to a ridiculously absurd extent.
    Okay, so where is our President Barack “Bananas” Obama’s leadership on this issue? Yeah, I know, he’s too busy on the golf course.

  11. Sigivald Says:

    Chas: The President has nothing to do with State prosecutions for violations of State laws.

    (Hell, even Congress doesn’t, though they could at least try to preempt it – but then again it’s none of the Federal government’s god damn business, is it?)

    I’m not a fan and didn’t vote for him, but it’s farkin’ ridiculous to blame the man for this, at all.

  12. ATLien Says:

    If they were talking of taking her child from her if she went to court, she should have considered starting a body count.

  13. mariner Says:

    Unless judges like this are found swinging from lampposts we’re going to see more and more of this.

  14. Lance R. Peak Says:

    Corporal punishment is legal in Texas as long as it’s performed on your own children and doesn’t leave any marks.

    If there are marks left that remain there long enough for the grandmother to find them later, something more than a “pretty simple, straightforward spanking case” is going on.

    Also, in Texas the charge of “Injury to a Child” is automatically a felony, and just requires “bodily injury”, which lasting red marks qualify as. I’m not defending anything, I’m just quoting Texas law.

    Of course we’ll never know the true story, but in my opinion the judge was definitely way out of line regarding the “You don’t spank children today” comments.

  15. Sid Says:

    If there is any unrevealed truth that is not covered, something still does not add up.

    If the child was injured to the point that something illegal (child abuse) occurred, then the judge’s admonishment comes off as far too light. If you shoot someone, the judge does not say “in this day and time we practice safe gun-handling. You need to take a hunter safety course.”

    If there is not more to this story, then the judge and prosecutor need serious remediation.

  16. WTF Says:

    I hope grandma enjoys the little brat her precious angel is going to become without discipline.

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