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Mapping the Dead from Mexico’s Drug War


5 Responses to “Mapping the Dead from Mexico’s Drug War”

  1. ATLien Says:

    I saw this somewhere else, and the count is 40,000 dead since 2006. There were even 2 mass graves. It is beyond f’ed up.

  2. Old NFO Says:

    Scary is not the word… F88ked up IS… ATL has it right, and the total deaths just last year are 20k+. When you see this, it just proves NOWHERE in Mexico is safe!

  3. Lyle Says:

    Prohibition runs its course almost as predictably as a specific disease runs its course, and this should be taught in school social studies classes.

    What would such a map of the U.S. show us?

    Consider where we’d be if alcohol Prohibition were still in full force, in addition to drug prohibition, AND all the worst gun laws. We’d be as bad as Mexico right now, or worse.

    The only way this can go from here is downhill, until we realize what we’ve created and end it. It’s in the DNA of prohibition and no amount of proselytizing or posturing can change that.

    Too bad no one can think straight about this. Too bad so many in American government are benefiting from the status quo. Too bad it’s feeding into the development of a police state right here and now. Too bad it’s going to get so much worse before we wake up as a society.

  4. Phil Says:

    Those are just from 2010 on. This has been going on since like 2006. It’s insane down there. Ciudad Juarez is averaging like 3000 murders a year.

  5. Chas Says:

    Markie Marxist sez: “See! My commie compadre, Comrade President Obama, knew exactly what he was doing when he had his ATF pour 2,000 AKs into the Mexican murder machine! See! He really does know how to be effective as President!”

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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