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ATF And Gun Walker: The hits keep coming

Grassley comes out swinging.

Malice or incompetence? At this point, I’m going with both. They incompetently managed their malicious intent.

Here’s Andrew Traver giving a reporter a gun to shoot. And then intentionally conflating machine guns with weapons that look like assault rifles. Because we need a gun control propagandist heading up ATF.

5 Responses to “ATF And Gun Walker: The hits keep coming”

  1. Name Redacted Says:

    Thats the kind of guy who will inevitably run the ATF.
    Sigh, really there should be no ATF.

  2. treefroggy Says:

    I think that’s Traver, not Taver. Like Troll, not Toll.

  3. blounttruth Says:

  4. Jennifer Says:

    “At this point, I’m going with both. They incompetently managed their malicious intent.”

  5. Glen Says:

    Fascinating data from Grassley…

    Even of the guns submitted to ATF for tracing that were of American origin, approximately two-thirds were never assigned to a final sale dealer. In Grassley’s words, this means that the vast majority of the subset of Mexican crime guns that were of U.S. origin “had no nexus with U.S. commerce” — they were never sold through an FFL.

    Grassley goes on to ask ATF for data on the source of these guns, including military sales to the Governments of Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador and other Central and South American militaries…


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