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On Paper

Libertarianism (well, more precisely fiscal conservatism and social liberalism) always polls well. But it never manages to make it’s way into political reality. Because while people, like Republicans when they’re not in power and Democrats when they’re not in power, talk a good game about freedom and fiscal policy, until it’s time to actually vote for some real change.

3 Responses to “On Paper”

  1. Name Redacted Says:

    Well, duh, they think that what wins them elections is talking libertarian and voting like a corporatist.

  2. Ellen Says:

    Not always. In Minnesota, we got Jesse Ventura for governor. He may or may not have been libertarian, but sure as can be, he was for fiscal responsibility and social freedom.

  3. BobG Says:

    “Under democracy one party always devotes its chief energies to trying to prove that the other party is unfit to rule – and both commonly succeed, and are right.”
    – H. L. Mencken

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