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And their vote counts just as much as yours

How smart are Americans? Granted, I could walk through any country and get the same footage.

6 Responses to “And their vote counts just as much as yours”

  1. MattW Says:

    Wow. It is frustrating that foreign media are just as driven by political and personal agendas as our MSM to go andto hand pick those Americans who are absolutely clueless and present it as being common with all Americans. And you are right, you will find idiots in every country. Was this a Daily Show type of program or an actual news program?

  2. armed_partisan Says:

    I’d be offended, but I know most of those people were Democrats anyways. I can answer all of those questions, but I don’t know what John Howard looks like, and I can’t imagine why I would care to find out.

  3. Reese Says:

    This is why the Founders gave us a Republic and NOT a Democracy.

  4. bob r Says:

    “… MSM to go andto hand pick those Americans who are absolutely clueless …”

    Not necessary to “hand pick”: just edit out those who had a clue. A video like this is entertaining even if sad at the same time but it tells you nothing about the population as a whole. Nothing at all.

  5. Bubblehead Les Says:

    Sad thing is, it was uploaded back in ’07. And with the 2012 elections coming up….

  6. Tai Says:

    Heh; now the video says “As seen on SayUncle”.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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