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Things that sound cool but aren’t

all woman chain gang

8 Responses to “Things that sound cool but aren’t”

  1. Ed Says:

    Somehow, the movie I was watching in my head made this idea much more appealing…

  2. Weer'd Beard Says:

    Hey Chain gangs beat the “Illegals are only doing the jobs American Citizens won’t do” to death pretty hard.

    Also Chain gangs in the hot sun SUCK. Might convince a few people that going to jail isn’t as good an idea as it is up here in liberal land where they get cable, health and fitness center, drugs, and a law library so they can work on their appeal.

  3. John Smith. Says:

    I wonder how many of these women will repeat their wonderful DUI experience after this little bit of fun????

  4. mariner Says:

    Since women use the facilities in groups anyway …

  5. BobG Says:

    “Do these shackles make my butt look fat?”

  6. Bubblehead Les Says:

    Sheriff Joe strikes again! Well, at least HIS SWAT Team isn’t Murdering Veterans.

    Wonder how long it will take Queen Obama to open her mouth when she sees the pictures of the African-American Women being Chained together, working in the Hot sun under the eyes of White Men with Guns?

    Or does she not give a Damn?

    Either way, this should be fun to watch.

  7. Justthisguy Says:

    Actually, it would be really cool if the shackled ones were, uh, Idunno, oh, Nancy Grace, Amanda Marcotte, Rachel Madcow, Barbara Boxer, Diane Feinstein, Hillary Clinton, Huma Weiner, Janet Reno, Janet Napolitano, etc. and so forth.

    No makeup allowed. Ugly haircuts required. No use of indoor plumbing permitted. Ugly, ill-fitting striped (horizontally) prison shifts the only clothing allowed.

    And last but not least, NO TALKING ALLOWED, on pain of a good whuppin’.

  8. armed_partisan Says:

    Who would imagine that a society that treats everyone equally would punish men and women the same way for stupid, idiotic, dangerous crimes they commit? I think Joe Arpaio is the only law enforcement official in the country that has the right idea about how to make prison an unpleasant, undesirable experience without selective rules about prison rape.

    There are a whole lot of innocent, non-violent criminals in this country, but sadly, they are a minority, and most of the people in prison are shitheads who don’t deserve cable TV, AC, hot meals, condiments, and sweetened beverages.

    I don’t have Cable, I’m not running MY AC. I’m skipping meals, and I haven’t committed any crime, other than be unemployed. I don’t deserve to have these things given to me at taxpayer expense, and neither do they!

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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