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That’s a crime?

Our local news rag: Four charged with allowing open house party in Aaron Douglas’ death

Having an open house party is a crime?

4 Responses to “That’s a crime?”

  1. John Smith. Says:

    A Florida medical examiner ruled that Douglas died accidentally as a result of “multiple drug toxicity” of methadone, diazepam and carisoprodol.

    They got arrested because some important football player died at one of their parties after taking methadone, valium and a muscle relaxer…. You don’t take a combo like that and die accidentally… Its like playing chicken with a semi without your headlights on… It should be ruled a stupidcide….

  2. Sigivald Says:

    Florida Code 856.015.

    “No person having control of any residence shall allow an open house party to take place at said residence if any alcoholic beverage or drug is possessed or consumed at said residence by any minor where the person knows that an alcoholic beverage or drug is in the possession of or being consumed by a minor at said residence and where the person fails to take reasonable steps to prevent the possession or consumption of the alcoholic beverage or drug.”

    In other words, it’s illegal to have an open house party without taking “reasonable steps” to prevent underage drinking/drug use that one is aware of. Which does not, in itself, seem especially unreasonable, most especially since the offense requires knowing that the underage person is in possession/consuming.

    According to the report, there was copious underage drinking there, thus the charges.

  3. tjbbpgobIII Says:

    I hope that doesn’t spread to other places, I’m saving up to throw a wake for all my combat buddies from Nam. It won’t be long though. The wait not the wake.

  4. Kristopher Says:

    tjbbpgobIII: It’s illegal in most states for adults to allow minors ( other than their own children ) to drink alcohol in their homes.

    Just exclude any kids from drinking at your wake.

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