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Dragon Leatherworks Review

Kevin reviews the Dragon Leatherworks Talon. One interesting thing about nice-looking, quality holsters I’ve noticed in these blog reviews is that they tend to lead to open carry since you want to show them off.

7 Responses to “Dragon Leatherworks Review”

  1. MattCFII Says:

    If only women had the same idea with publicly showing off their quality lingerie…

  2. Weer'd Beard Says:

    I am liking the trend of people making various holster that are intentionally attractive for carry rather than the standard 100% utilitarian holsters that essentially beg to be hidden like some dirty secret.

    You carry piece is nothing that needs to be hidden.

  3. Bubblehead Les Says:

    Well, Brother Beard, maybe your carrying piece, but the old, ugly stuff I can afford…..

  4. Jerry Says:

    It’s an ego thing. Like a rolex, or a pair of expensive ear rings. Proving your worth, so to speak. I still say keep it covered.

  5. falnfenix Says:

    Jerry, why shouldn’t people want to show their pretty things from time to time? that *is* why they’re purchased, after all…

  6. mike w. Says:

    Hell, I had Dennis make one for me specifically for open carry. Great holster.

  7. Weer'd Beard Says:

    Also Why would somebody want to put a custom $2,000 1911 in a cheap, mass-produced holster?

    Furthermore people like pretty things, what better to help the open carry cause than to make a holster that actually looks GOOD!

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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