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Michelle Bachmann signs a pledge to support banning porn and condemning homosexuality. And says homosexuality is a choice, which is dumb.

It also is a pledge to reject Sharia law, which also bans porn and homosexuality.

25 Responses to “Circular”

  1. Nylarthotep Says:

    She’s pretty much pledged herself out of being president. It may be straight talk, but it isn’t going to get her elected.
    If she wins the Republican primaries, she’ll fail miserably in the election because she has alienated the middle. The middle is where presidents get elected, not with the base.

  2. mikee Says:

    Tell Reagan that the middle won’t follow where the base leads. Reagan won the middle by sticking to his principles, which the base supported.

    On the other hand, GHW Bush lost his base with new taxes, yet apparently he had the support of the middle. And enough of Bush’s base belonged to Perot to put Clinton in office.

    There is still a very bright line that one should not cross, suggesting bans on free speech, for example, that will alienate a large portion of the base, despite the niche appeal of a porn ban. I think Michelle Bachman may have crossed it. A better answer for the base, and the middle, might have been to emphasize the need to get government out of the societal manipulation business altogether.

  3. Sebastiano Says:

    Which principles were those? RR sent six budgets back to Congress because they weren’t BIG ENOUGH. Small govt my ass.

    At least you’re on the money about govt not being in the social manipulation business. Throw in the ATF and the DEA and you’d be getting somewhere.

  4. John Smith. Says:

    While I understand the gay thing she signed I would still not vote for her just out of general principle… Now if she came out on one of these debates with a full auto kalashnikov loaded with blanks/or live firing it in a sweeping pattern over her head. Whereas she flicks the rifle back over her shoulder and extends both middle fingers and says to the other candidates come and get it motherfuckers… Now that would make me sit up and take notice… Possibly even vote for her…Something new and unexpected… Having a candidate that is batshit nuts in good way would be very enticing….

  5. TennGoodBoy Says:

    “…homosexuality is a choice.”
    No, but behavior is a choice. I happen
    to be heterosexual, but I dont try to
    nail every woman I find attractive.
    Guess Ive been doing it wrong…

  6. Mr Evilwrench Says:

    It was ironic Perot took votes from Bush, when in reality he was more Clinton than Clinton. What did he ever actually say? A bunch of folksy platitudes. Do you know what he actually proposed? Fifty cents a gallon gas tax, that kind of thing. But the right ate him up. Sad.

    I don’t mind gays so much, as long as they’re not assholes about it, and I love me some pr0n, but these things wouldn’t lose me her vote, because 1, they’re never going anywhere, B, we need someone like her with the important stuff, and third, she’s Sarah Palin hot. She just needs to consider carefully what she says.

  7. Bubblehead Les Says:

    We have a year+ to go. Plenty of time for Romney to win the Nomination (God help us all).

  8. HardC0rps Says:

    Well there doesn’t happen to be any biological evidence that homosexuals are born with that behavior…

    Can you present any?

    Otherwise we must conclude that everyone is born heterosexual and there are some that engage in homosexual behavior.

  9. alan Says:

    Banning Porn!

    She just lost the nerd vote.

  10. Stormy Dragon Says:

    I read the Family Leader pledge and the part that made my head explode was the footnote claiming that the Supreme Court overturned Texas’s sodomy me law as part of a plot to violently persecute homosexuals.

  11. RobertM Says:

    “Well there doesn’t happen to be any biological evidence that heterosexuals are born with that behavior…

    Can you present any?

    Otherwise we must conclude that everyone is born homosexual and there are some that engage in heterosexual behavior.”

    Try again.

  12. settles Says:

    Republicans are makin that bite of sh*t-sandwich less and less appealing.

  13. Bryan S. Says:

    How she can be serious after voting for the Patriot Act, I don’t know.

    She may be a good tax attorney or foster mom, but I would rather keep her there.

  14. Nylarthotep Says:

    The Regan comparison isn’t really applicable. People in the middle pretty much liked Regan and he had much higher name recognition than Bachmann does. She’s coming out too hard right and with the MSM carrying Obama’s water she’ll be branded with that. Regan didn’t have that issue and Carter wasn’t given the benefits of the MSM at that time. Big difference.

    It’s always best to NOT over do pledges, especially when they are as over the edge as that one reads.

  15. Erick Says:

    What she pledged to support was this: “Humane protection of women and the innocent fruit of conjugal intimacy — our next generation of American children — from human trafficking, sexual slavery, seduction into promiscuity, and all forms of pornography and prostitution, infanticide, abortion and other types of coercion or stolen innocence.”

    Context is important.

  16. Diomed Says:

    The context looks to me like she’s saying women of legal age shouldn’t be allowed to participate in or access porn.

    So, I guess she’s all for gay porn.

  17. Erik Says:

    I could understand it if it were a personal pledge to help young women to avoid the decisions that might lead to destructive life choices, but these aren’t things that the government should be involved in. Think what you want about porn and gays, but when it comes to the law … sorry, the Constitution doesn’t allow government to be involved in that sort of thing.

  18. Dirk Says:

    She just lost my vote. Not necessarily because she’s anti-porn and anti-gay, though that doesn’t help… Even if you assume the “best” of intentions – that she’s not actually against porn and prostitution, etc., but just against women being forced into it – it’s still losing her any chance of getting my vote.

    Why? Because she thinks it has anything to do with running the country. Even if it did, ALL the focus needs to be on getting the country out of the dire financial crisis it’s in.

    Maybe then, once that’s solved, they can worry about social issues. But until then, any time and energy spent on social issues is time and energy not being spent on the real problems facing this country.

    And even as much as I support 2A rights and OC, I even think pro-gun legislation should be on the back burner until the financial issues are resolved.

  19. Kristopher Says:

    There is a reason why serious candidates don’t sign those things.

    The proper response is to write your own position paper, and simply explain that you do not agree with all of the things the interest group with the pledge is pimping.

  20. ATL Says:

    Sexual Determinism is as dumb as insisting someone is born with a gene that makes them want to have sex with robots. I have never seen the appeal of thinking that someone is born to behave a certain way, and not others. Hey! Does this magical genetic curse cross over into wife-beating, public masturbation, or dare I say……Taurus Judge purchasing? Maybe they only turn gay when there is a full moon, or when someone turns on Bravo! Just for the record, someone is not born a Sophist, they become one.

  21. MrSatyre Says:

    Always great to read about the gov’t coming up with more things we can’t do, and nothing about things THEY can’t do.

  22. Druid Says:

    “homosexuality is a choice”

    I always categorized it as a hobby, but what do I know.

  23. Brad Says:


    The origin of the “Bachmann pledges to ban porn” accusation comes from, the left-wing propaganda outfit. Yet non-lefties are getting easily duped by the lies. This is the same process by which Palin’s reputation was destroyed by the left.

    Also, where does the pledge “condemn homosexuality”? Or are we to believe that rejection of gay marriage equals condemning homosexuality? Sounds like another Thinkprogress slur to me.

    Look, I’m a small l libertarian myself. I’m in favor of gay marriage, access to porn, and reasonable abortion. But the left-wingers are batshit crazy when pushing these issues.

  24. Tam Says:

    I’ve had my fill of big-government-lovin’ God-botherers being pawned off on me as “Small-Government Conservatives”.

  25. kevdog Says:

    Jeez another Republican who talks a lot about “Freedom”, but is actually an authoritarian (just like Sarah Palin). The first republican that DOESN’T talk about this crap and focuses on the economy and the budget and the middle class (remember them? used to be a lot of them, not so much anymore)WILL GET MY VOTE!!!…

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