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Does that legislation abolish ATF?

Obama aide says gun legislation coming:

White House spokesman Jay Carney said a special task force has been “working through these complex issues, and we expect to have some more specific announcements in the near future.”

Does it involve allowing the smuggling of guns out of country? More:

“The president directed the attorney general to form working groups with key stakeholders to identify common-sense measures that would improve American safety and security while fully respecting Second Amendment rights,”

I was not invited and I’m a stakeholder. And, if I recall correctly, the NRA refused to attend. Good. Unless they’re showing up to demand law repeals, they have nothing to gain from this.

11 Responses to “Does that legislation abolish ATF?”

  1. Josh chase Says:

    Wow. I need to find more information about this task force. Is there any legislation trying to be pushed through we are unaware of?

  2. John Smith. Says:

    Its called the obama reelection task force… It is charged with passing feel good laws that do nothing but get gullible fools to vote for him….

  3. Bubblehead Les Says:

    Back in the Summer of 2008, on Obama’s Change.Gov site, up on the Tool Bar was a link to his “Agenda”. It was His “Mein Kampf” if he got Elected. Under the “Urban Section”, it listed all the “Common Sense” Gun Control he had envisioned.

    Unc, when we were at Lidia’s during the NRA Con, you were standing about 20 feet away from me when I asked Alan Gottleib why Barry hadn’t tried to push through Gun Control when he had total control over the House and the Senate. His reply was that “Nancy Pelosi was so focused on Obamacare that it was pushed to the back burner, but it’s coming down the road”.

    The courts can’t stop it, in spite of Heller and McDonald, because A) They’re too slow and B) Barry thinks the Constitution gets in the way, so he ignores it, which is why we get to Bomb Libya.

    The only way to stop it is if the Republitards in the House Prevent it.

    But since Boehner is his Golf Buddy…..

    I’d buy some more Hi- Cap Magazines soon.

  4. chris Says:

    I agree with Bubblehead.

    But I think that the MO to achieve what will basically be a refined version of the AWB will be an Executive Order.

    The Administration won’t be able to get any gun control legislation passed by the House., so it will resort to issuing an Executive Order.

    The really bad thing is that Mitt Romeny will have to study (with the guidance of his army of consultants, hack and hucksters) the advisability of any proposed gun control legislation instead of being instinctively opposed to it.

    But I agree that now is the time to being buying up normal capacity mags.

  5. workinwifdakids Says:

    The United States government is not a stakeholder in the 2nd Amendment. It’s a target of it.

  6. Chris Says:

    I hope they go full bore… I mean balls to the wall with bans and such. They will go down in flames in the election if they do.

  7. Matthew Carberry Says:

    Chris, I don’t think they will do a lot of that stuff via Executive Order, not with Gunwalker still percolating, the Supremes already on edge (and, with Ezell, the likelihood that the standard for any gun control action in this country will be intermediate scrutiny at the least) and the House and Senate Republicans just drooling for a chance to jump in and legitimately “defend the Constitution” on prime time TV.

    If they mobilize the pro-gun side and lose the Presidency all those EO’s just go away anyway. If he wants a “legacy” he has to balance semi-satisfying his base with not unleashing hell on his and his Congressional supporters reelection.

    So let’s avoid the PSH and think rationally, his talk in AZ should give us hints.

    It will almost certainly involve mandating greater NICS reporting, which is actually fine as long as it remains within statuatory guidelines.

    If they mandate “perfect” reporting of actual legitimate statuatorily-prohibited personhood to NICS then that actually increases our practical legislative argument to remove the cross-state handgun sales ban and our moral argument to re-fund rights restoration.

    Further, if no one will “slip through the cracks” on NICS then we have a good argument for tightening what are actual disabling felonies, and looking seriously at deregulating suppressors and SBR/SBS and AOW’s a bit.

    After all, if President Obama himself says “we can now keep dangerous weapons out of the hands of those who shouldn’t have them” then on what logical basis can they object to using his now “improved” system for all weapons purchases, even ones that used to take an additional background check?

    These guys just aren’t that good, when you look at how they operate. What they do can always be used against them.

  8. phigmeta Says:

    “The president directed the attorney general to form working groups with key stakeholders to identify common-sense measures that would improve American safety and security while fully respecting Second Amendment rights,”

    Hmm lets see we KNOW that a good economy lowers crime, we now KNOW that Obama’s bad policy is raping out economy…. well then Obama just resigns and it will improve American safety and security while fully respecting Second Amendment rights.

    Problem solved … thanks for playing

  9. chris Says:

    Matthew – I hope you are correct that Obama doesn’t issue any EOs, but I believe that will be the only way he can move the issue along because the House won’t pass any gun control legislation.

    So that is what I am expecting, but I certainly hope I am wrong.

  10. Firehand Says:

    Probably depends, at least in part, on just what feedback he gets from the Evil Party; a whole pile of people screaming “You’ll kill us for generations with this!! and get me fired!!!” just might be a brake on his wishes.

  11. comatus Says:

    Don’t forget the name of the President’s “behind-the-scenes-point-man” on gun control, Univ of Mich Law Prof Steven Croley. After an absolutely drooling style-section introductory review, Our Nation’s Press has left him completely alone. He would be the guy you’d look to for the strategy behind all this. Furthermore like Carthage, he must etc.etc.

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