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World Net Daily is stealing Sean’s shirt idea?

5 Responses to “IP”

  1. pdb Says:

    That outfit has always given me the creeps.

  2. Sean D Sorrentino Says:

    Thanks for the link. I appreciate the help.

  3. Sean D Sorrentino Says:

    UPDATE: WND DOES THE RIGHT THING! After a quick email conversation with WND Editor Joseph Farah, he has pulled the shirt from sale and will commence an investigation on Monday when everyone gets back to the office.

    Please join me in thanking the WND Editor and CEO for his swift resolution of this issue. Read the update on this post!

  4. chris Says:

    Someone needs to produce this shirt.

    I want one.

  5. Sean D Sorrentino Says:

    @Chris: I am selling it. Come get one. $15 per shirt, 17 for 2XL and $18 for 3XL. $6 for shipping.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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