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Big Day

Today, my son started kindergarten. Well, not really kindergarten but kindergarten camp. The school has a couple of weeks in the summer where the kids get acquainted with school rules and teachers and stuff. So, it’s like kindergarten without the school work.

Regardless, he’s old enough to start school.

When did that happen?

17 Responses to “Big Day”

  1. TennGoodBoy Says:

    Like the feller from Indiana said, “The best times are when the kids are little…”

  2. Countertop Says:

    They grow up fast

  3. Yu-Ain Gonnano Says:

    Last summer my 10 year old “sister” got married. I don’t know who the hell gave her permission to turn 21, cause it sure as hell wasn’t me.

  4. DirtCrashr Says:

    If he’s young enough to shoot guns, then he’s young enough to be inducted into the mind-molding embrace of Government Schools! A couple years back we held a vote (that failed) to ensure ONLY credentialed, college-graduate, dues-paying Teacher’s-Union approved educators would be permitted to conduct State-wide pre-School and Kindergarten courses for young, pre-adults…

  5. harp1034 Says:

    Son, you like to go shooting with me?
    Gee, well you know Dad I was kinda hoping I could use the car.

  6. Tennessee Budd Says:

    Kindergarten isn’t school. If it was, I would have gone. I went straight into 1st grade. My folks (and I) thought I had better things to do than go to kindergarten. I was much more productive at home. Gardens don’t hoe themselves.

  7. Wolfwood Says:

    Wait, kindergarten now has school work? I thought it was all cookies and naptime and gluing macaroni to construction paper.

  8. Mr Evilwrench Says:

    And next year he’ll be going to high school, and… yeah I was trying to remember where all the time went, but I must’ve kicked up a bunch of dust or something…

  9. Robert Says:

    Soon enough, he’ll be asking that most dreaded of questions: “Dad, I just don’t understand girls. Can you explain them to me?”

  10. Mu Says:

    Did our first “back to school” shopping trip yesterday myself. I just hope the teenage years pass as fast as the first five.

  11. Gunship Cowboy Says:

    It happened while you were at the computer keyboard.

    Just wait until you realize the kids are getting married and having children of their own!!! My baby daughter is due to have her own baby the end of August. She is 30, so no wise cracks. We’re lucky, her husband is a gentleman, has a real job, we like him, and as a freebie, he likes guns and cars!

  12. Jennifer Says:

    Sneaks up on you doesn’t it? Mine’s in middle school. And he’s gotten to the age of deodorant.

  13. rickn8or Says:

    Wait till you see gray hair on your youngest.

  14. Robert Says:

    You can send him down here to Texas and we will raise him with the dog, anytime.

  15. Old NFO Says:

    Mine are 31 and 29… sigh…

  16. j Says:

    welcome to old age

  17. Phelps Says:

    I thought that the only thing that happened in Kindergarten was getting acquainted with the school rules and teachers and stuff.

    If you are expecting more than that, you will be disappoint.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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