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My son, on kindergarten

Son: Mommy, I thought you said kindergarten would be fun.

Mom: It wasn’t fun?

Son: We sat there and the lady talked to us the whole time.

Upon hearing of the conversation, I say to him Well, get used to that. You’re going to spend a lot of time doing that.

12 Responses to “My son, on kindergarten”

  1. That Guy Says:

    “hate to break it to you…”

  2. OHIO SHAWN Says:

    Reality strikes again.

  3. John Smith. Says:

    Wait until he gets married…

  4. PISSED Says:

    Early training will do him good….

  5. Bubblehead Les Says:

    School, College, Gooberment, TeeWee News, all full of Talking Heads. But when you try and tune them out, they think you are ADD and need to be Doped Up. Can’t let those Indoctrination/Re-Education lessons fall on Deaf Ears, right?

  6. Firehand Says:

    This was years back, but daughter skipped kindergarten and went straight to 1st grade and did fine; the next year they required kids do kindergarten. Son was all excited about school until got there; KG bored hell out of him and colored his attitude toward school forever after.

  7. Windy Wilson Says:

    And Mom didn’t get mad at you for uttering an uncomfortable truth?
    She’s a better woman than most I’ve met.

  8. Lyle Says:

    This is the point where you begin the slow realization that the purpose of public education is to minimize the influence of parents and community. I’m sorry, Man.

  9. Old NFO Says:

    If you really said that to him, your wife probably smacked you 🙂

  10. Billll Says:

    I’ve been listening to the lady talk for 31 years now.

    After a while, you get used to it.

  11. Jeffersonian Says:

    I find it really hard to believe someone of your libertarian nature would allow his precious children to be indoctrinated in that fashion. Thaere are better options. I would no longer allow my children to attend a public school. It took me years to unlearn all they taught me.

  12. Chris McBride Says:

    There are alternatives.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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