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The scare in TN: Sex Trafficking

Only, like most things that have the authorities shaking their fists, it’s kind of an overstated problem:

According to the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation (TBI), Coffee County is one of four major locations across the state for human sex trafficking.

However, not a single report from the Tullahoma Police Department completed during the past two years indicates any human sex trafficking incidents.

Via Radley, who has more.

9 Responses to “The scare in TN: Sex Trafficking”

  1. John Smith. Says:

    If they want to see sex trafficking go to nashville during a convention…

  2. mikee Says:

    I was once caught sex trafficking. many years ago. My girlfriend and I were steaming up the windows of a 1976 Chevy Impala from the back seat when a police officer came by, rapped on the window with his baton, and told us to move along. Or get a room. Or act our ages. Or find a less public location.

    So maybe it wasn’t sex trafficking. More like sex parking, also known as necking. Perhaps this incident is typical of what the respondents to the survey were thinking about when queried about sex trafficking. Because I bet there were at least 100 incidents like mine in that county, or any county in the US, last year.

  3. mikee Says:

    And where, oh where, have all the sofa-sized backseats gone? I miss that 76 Impala.

  4. Jerry Says:

    ’78 Chrysler Cordoba, with a ‘Fine, Corinthian Leather’
    couch in back. Oh, for the days…………..

  5. Freiheit Says:

    Ahh sex. Legal to give it away, legal to trade it away for drinks and dinner, legal to get paid for it as long as someone is filming or taking pictures, but not legal to sell it outright.

  6. Tirno Says:

    “Legal to give it away, legal to trade it away for drinks and dinner, legal to get paid for it as long as someone is filming or taking pictures, but not legal to sell it outright.”

    If the pimps and prostitutes were a bit smarter, they’d re-do their business plan as a recruiting agency for amateur male porn performers. Then the johns would pay to get the original copy of the audition tape.

    A whole new business model for the cost of an old VHS camcorder from the thrift shop and some bulk orders of VHS tapes.

  7. Rivrdog Says:

    Best one I ever had was my first car, a ’48 Pontiac Chieftain. HUGE back seat, AND room for legs and other spare bodily parts.

  8. Rich Says:

    You may recall just within the last week our so the FBI busted up a sex trafficking ring right here in Knoxville that catered to illegal immigrants, and victimized mostly Hispanic women.

    Local authorities knew nothing about it.

  9. Sid Says:


    I think you missed the key to this report. The study used reports from the law enforcement agencies. How exactly will police report that there is a specific activity that is unreported?

    A policy wonk wants funding for a problem that they cannot prove is a large problem in an area. We don’t fund efforts to crack down on speeding in areas where gridlock is a problem. I deplore human-trafficking. I want it stopped. But setting up a task force to address the problem may not help, especially in a community that may not have a problem.

    The FBI busted up a local ring. Did they need extra funding for a task force? Probably not. They finally got a tip that led to an investigation that led to an arrest. Which is the way police work should be worked.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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