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Anonymous tip is code for ‘guy who lost a bunch of money’

Having rid Knox County of all crime, the crackdown on gambling continues.

6 Responses to “Anonymous tip is code for ‘guy who lost a bunch of money’”

  1. Jailer Says:

    So you guys in TN have so little crime that the po po have nothing better to do than bust up poker games?

  2. Robert Says:

    Note the “No Arrests” line that says “Thousands of dollars” has been seized. It’s all about taking the money folks.

  3. Jailer Says:

    It’s always about the money. I bet if anything some sort of “civil” charge is pursued and dropped. Civil forfeiture = never get it back regardless of outcome.

  4. Diomed Says:

    Hey, you can fight civil forfeiture and win. It’ll just cost you more in time and (more) money than the state stole from you in the first place.

    Brilliant idea, drug warriors!

  5. Skip Says:

    I’d bet it wasn’t someone who lost a lot of money, but rather a neighbor annoyed at 10 cars in the driveway and on the road nearby once a week.

  6. Kristopher Says:

    Civil forfeiture is based on english common law.

    Any local or state statute can abrogate it.

    An initiative petition passed that simply required a criminal conviction in Oregon for it to be used, and the practice went away in that state.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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