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Metal Storm and Taser developing less than-lethal ammunition

Sort of like this idea. But I’m not a fan of mounting on it on your totally lethal AR. Looks like an accident waiting to happen.

8 Responses to “Metal Storm and Taser developing less than-lethal ammunition”

  1. Phelps Says:

    An even worse idea that putting your only flashlight on your gun.

  2. Six Says:

    No, no a thousand times No. It needs to be a dedicated only system. When we got the less lethal 12 guage beanbag rounds we went to flourescent orange shotguns that were never used for anything else. Even then it gave me the willies every time I took it out.

  3. HardC0rps Says:

    You mean like this?

  4. Bubblehead Les Says:

    Yeah, better go to dedicated Weapon. I’d use something in 37 or 40mm. 12 Gauge is just a “Cletus” accident waiting to happen.

  5. mikee Says:

    A commenter at the linked post hit the nail on the head. Why buy, or use, these expensive rounds when rubber bullets that will do pretty much the same job are available for a very small fraction of the price?

  6. Shawn Says:

    If the XREP costs $180 a pop I wonder how much this will cost?

  7. JC Says:

    Haven’t we had enough “accidents” where a cop pulls his duty weapon thinking it’s a Taser?

  8. Mike V Says:

    Actually, they’re $150 per round, Law Enforcement doesn’t use rubber bullets, foam, bean bag and baton rounds yes; but they aren’t as accurate as the XREP. And the’re talking about adapting the existing XREP round and I’d bet there will be yellow furnitue for like the X12 shotgun.

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