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Have guns, will fish

An OC event in FL

4 Responses to “Have guns, will fish”

  1. Shootin' Buddy Says:

    Men in flip flops?

    Must be Florida Tactical? 🙂

  2. Bubblehead Les Says:

    How can it be a “Loophole” when it was Deliberately placed into the Law in the First Place? Or does this idiot think that Alligators and Cotton Mouths are only allowed in the Everglades?

  3. Laughingdog Says:

    I was in Sarasota visiting family the weekend this happened. To my “guns are fine, but why do you need to carry them around with you” aunt and uncle, it seemed like a very strange and nutty thing to do.

    I think my attempts to get them to see that, as is usual with people OC, nothing happened. They went out, they fished, and they went home. Same as if they weren’t carrying.

  4. Laughingdog Says:


    You apparently aren’t familiar with the alternate definition of loophole.

    Loophole: Something that is legal, but I don’t think it should be.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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