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What if it ceased to exist?

9 Responses to “Money”

  1. blounttruth Says:

    Then do not get caught holding it:

    New record set today:
    Gold $1,619.30 Silver $40.74 Dollar 74.16

  2. Ellen Says:

    If I woke up this morning and money had ceased to exist, the first thing I’d do is open the safe and get out more ammunition for my carry gun. THEN I’d worry about everything else.

  3. Bubblehead Les Says:

    My carry gun is fully loaded, with spare ammo on the other side of the Belt. But I would grab the “Just in Case” 12 Gauge Pump, sling it, then call the Wife and tell her to come home.

  4. Nick Says:

    I’d quickly do my best to reestablish money as a medium of exchange. Then I would vomit, knowing that the people who posted on that discussion exist.

  5. Robert Says:

    Oh, I thought you were talking about the government wet dream of no longer having cash, and that all transactions were digital so they could be tracked. (yes, I know, underground economy and all that…)

    This is more of a dollars are devalued greatly scenario. You’d still have money, it’d just be worth a lot less.

  6. Robert Says:

    Whoops. I followed the link in the first comment, and not the one you had. Sorry.

  7. Phelps Says:

    Easy. I would figure out what will be used instead of money and get lots of it.

    Let’s face it, no one “invented” money. People just used precious metal because it was easy to measure and piece out. Later on, kings started making specifically sized pieces of it with their faces on it to say, “these coins all have the same amount of whatever in them.”

  8. Kasper Says:

    I’d definitely not be going to work tomorrow.

  9. Skip Says:

    My bar tab would be gone. Kool.

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