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That new president smell is wearing off

Well, duh:

The accusations imply that Obama is on our side. Or was on our side. And that the right wing is pushing him around.

But the evidence is clear that Obama is an often-willing servant of corporate interests — not someone reluctantly doing their bidding, or serving their interests only because Republicans forced him to.

5 Responses to “That new president smell is wearing off”

  1. Bubblehead Les Says:

    ZOMG! And the Sun Rises in the East! If we had only known!

  2. workinwifdakids Says:

    Yeah – except corporate interests are neither Republican nor Democrat. It explains why we had the bailouts, why McCain AND Bush wanted open-doors immigration, and every other fiscal policy the federal government institutes.

    It is about using the full force and power of the federal government to enrich the few. Ask anyone in the corporate world: “You can have $100 million dollars, and the country will exist as it has, or you can have $500 million, and this country will cease to exist the day you die. Which do you choose?”

    I know how they’d answer.

  3. Seerak Says:

    Typical leftist response whenever the end of their road becomes uncomfortably clear: just rewrite reality. This bad result can’t possibly be due to our ideas, so just blame the results on the usual scapegoats so we can keep doing what we’re doing while expecting different results! Obama moving us towards fascism? Well he must be a Jew/corporate stooge/bourgeois/agent of Emmanuel Goldstein, then. Long live Ingsoc!

  4. Lyle Says:

    I have controlling shares in two corporations, and, other than freedom, I con;t tell you what “corporate interests” means. It’s a made-up term of course.

  5. Name Redacted Says:

    He means that obama does what he accuses the right wing of doing. Looking out for the benefits of his cronies instead of the population as a while.

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