Archive for July, 2011

July 19, 2011

My son, on kindergarten

Son: Mommy, I thought you said kindergarten would be fun.

Mom: It wasn’t fun?

Son: We sat there and the lady talked to us the whole time.

Upon hearing of the conversation, I say to him Well, get used to that. You’re going to spend a lot of time doing that.


Bitter: The Helmke Tenure Review, Part I

He didn’t really accomplish much but, then, those on the wrong side of history ultimately don’t. And I’m disappointed. Bitter should have given him some meaningless grade for emphasis.

Chicks and guns

Concealed Carrie:

Just because I’m not habitually afraid of these things doesn’t mean I’m immune to them. And I will not live my life in fear: not only do I refuse to, but it’s just not in my nature. But more than ever– even more than when I first decided to take the class and get my CPL– I want the option to carry a gun when I feel I might need it.


Intruder shot

Sixteen-year-old Joseph Wagner: We have guns for protection, and now we know why

Range reports and gun porn

Templar Custom Multi-Caliber Weapons System

CZ P-01

FN Five SeveN

Angry men with guns

And no one got shot.

Where America used to be

We’ll be saying that some day. We are not governed by elected officials. We are governed by bureaucrats who chip away at the edges. Eventually, the edges get close together. Unless there are consequences, which is why there should be legal consequences for bureaucrats.

ATF and guns in Mexico

ABC: ATF Director’s ‘Eyes Nearly Popped Out of (His) Head’ When he Learned ATF Might Have Been Selling Guns to FBI in ‘Fast and Furious’

David Hardy on the effect of gunwalker on cooperating FFLs.

Fast and Furious and Mexican presidential politics.

A misbegotten scheme to boost gun control turns deadly.

Gun Porn

Sig Nitron

Com Block gun porn

Suppressed MK23

Words that are fun to say: Tanfoglio

July 18, 2011

Big Day

Today, my son started kindergarten. Well, not really kindergarten but kindergarten camp. The school has a couple of weeks in the summer where the kids get acquainted with school rules and teachers and stuff. So, it’s like kindergarten without the school work.

Regardless, he’s old enough to start school.

When did that happen?

Aimpoint PRO

A 30,000 hour battery life and reasonably priced for a red dot. More from Tam.


Small hands do not need small guns.

Review: Dragon Leatherworks Talon

A bit back, Dennis from Dragon Leatherworks asked me if I’d review a holster. And he’s probably been frustrated that I’ve not reviewed it until now. Though some nice photos of it have popped up online here and there. And there’s a reason I hadn’t reviewed until now. Because I actually wanted some time to wear the thing. Here’s the holster (after about six months of regular use):

It’s a Talon. And here it is with my ParaUSA in it:

One of the things about this holster is that, well, it’s gorgeous. I’m a functional guy and typically don’t pay much mind to aesthetics and looks when it comes to guns. If it shoots and works, I go with it. But that’s a fine looking holster. The finish still looks great after months of carrying it several times per week, including at the beach, a few times while mowing (to see how it held up), and in the rain. This picture was taken Sunday afternoon, six months after I got the thing (and because I told my wife I’d put her butt on the internet):

Still looking sharp. Only visible wear is the imprint of the gun. And the stitching looks new. I’m not sure the significance of the snakeskin, but it looks awesome. Fit is nice, and once I broke it in, the draw is smooth and retention is great. Also, I’m not someone who typically carries outside the waistband. But I’m a fan now from purely a comfort level. And, with a holster that looks that nice, I kinda want to show it off.

And here’s my wife again, not so much practicing her draw as showing off her manicure:

Dragon Leatherworks posts from the past.

Very comforting

Houston Chronicle: Federal agents losing firearms by the hundreds

DHS lost 243 in two years. 74% because they weren’t properly secured.

Hearing protection

Dirt has a look. And I learned from Les that when they call them tactical, it means that there are no lights on them.

Glock already makes an app for that

What sort of idiot calls for a smartphone app to prevent rape?

Gun Bills Task Force

I guess they realized they sort of abandoned us this past legislative go ’round. But now, the republicans in the state are gonna do something about it:

“This Task Force will study ways we can protect the Second Amendment rights of Tennesseans and will make recommendations to our Majority about good public policy we all can support,” Majority Leader Gerald McCormick said in a statement announcing the move. “I think this is a worthwhile effort to streamline the process and build consensus within the General Assembly.”

The task force should help Republican leaders manage debate over guns next year. Gun rights groups have complained that the Republican majority did little to roll back restrictions, creating pressure on lawmakers to take up the issue next year.

You dance with the one who brung ya. MJM is pleased.

ATF and guns in Mexico

Exactly has planned, as Democrats push gun control instead of something.

Here’s the proposed bill, via SIH who notes this statute is, to be blunt, a joke. I can’t see this has any purpose short of trying to divert attention away from the Fast and Furious scandal, and to try deflect blame for the DOJ’s criminal mishandling of the program, and their abysmal record of prosecuting traffickers under existing law.

The bill doesn’t seem to address anything not already addressed in law.

And here’s the Democrat talking points on the bill.

Tit for tat

The AP:

TSA staff say Mihamae refused to be go through passenger screening and became argumentative before she squeezed and twisted the agent’s breast with both hands.

The future is here

Here’s your flying car.


Herman Cain cool with banning mosques?

First aid kits for your range bag

Bob Owens has a look.


Desperation as SAF comes to town.

Gun Porn

French 5mm 5 Shot Le Petit Protector Gun Ring

AR wood furniture.

Pics from the Pro-Am

Tank firing in slow motion

Well, why not: Turn a HK-33 into a STG44

July 15, 2011

Lost one

North Dakota is not really a state.

Benefit of Concealed Carry

It cures rude New Yorkers.

TSA at work

Inappropriately searching a 94 year-old, wheelchair-bound woman.

Rule 4

11 year-old girl killed by celebratory July 4th gun fire.

God damn it. Firing a gun when you’re not sure of what you’re shooting at is one of the dumber things you can do.

Suing google over privacy

Apparently, those google map cars driving around taking pictures for streetview were also poking around in unsecured wireless networks. As such, some residents in Nashville are suing.

Here’s an idea: secure your wireless network.

Perry comes out against new federal gun rules for border states

And there’s a pic of him shooting an M32 grenade launcher.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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