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There cannot be a gunman because the campus bans guns!

9 Responses to “Unpossible”

  1. Hartley Says:

    Probably something really scary like an umbrella or a tennis racket.
    No doubt the local hoplophobes are trembling in terror under their desks/beds. Later, counselling will be offered to all students and faculty.

  2. Laughingdog Says:

    The campus ban only applies to students and faculty. It’s not against the law to carry on campus. It will just get you fired/expelled.

  3. Jake Says:

    Yeah, I’m leaning towards it being a false alarm, too.

    The fun part is that, if he did have a gun, he broke no laws by having it on campus. The ban only applies to students, faculty, and staff, and is only a violation of student/faculty/staff policies, because the university doesn’t have the legal authority to implement an absolute ban. They can ban open carry “in certain buildings” based on trespass laws, but that’s it.

    No threats were made, no shots were fired, there was no brandishing involved, and no laws were broken – but the whole campus is shut down and police from five agencies are searching campus hunting for someone who hasn’t actually done anything illegal.

  4. Chas Says:

    Have Americans become such cowards that a whole university is shut down because some people may have seen someone who may have had a gun under a cloth?
    This tying up of an entire campus over the possibility of one gun being present is the kind of ridiculous over-reaction that would not happen if people could carry.
    I understand that the political left wants to throw a hysterical hissy fit over even the mere possibility of a gun in the hands of a private citizen, but this over-the-top, drama queen reaction is silly.
    What’s next? Will the whole campus go on lockdown because of a report of a man who may be in possession of a penis, so as to thwart a possible rape attempt?
    Vagina Tech needs to get over itself, and stop being such an effeminate wimp of a no balls school. There are guns in the real world, people have the right to keep and bear them, and these anti-gun, anti-American, faggotistical, pointy-headed, limp-wristed, Marxist academics, who unfortunately run things, need to get used to that fact, or keep making fools of themselves and the rest of us in the US too, until they finally break down and allow CCW per the US Bill of Rights.

  5. Matthew Carberry Says:

    So the adults (18+ students) that are the majority of students never leave campus, ever?

    Cause if they do they are likely to have guns around, in equally “crowded environments” where people engage in equally “passionate discussions”.

    I’m surprised the streets around campus aren’t constantly running yellow with urine.

  6. Ellen Says:

    Considering Virginia Tech’s recent history, a little hoplophobia is to be expected.

  7. Beaumont Says:

    Hmmm…seems as though it would be pretty easy to wind those folks up. Fun, too. But that would be so wrong.

  8. Chas Says:

    Virginia Tech need a visit from the Glockmobile to help get guns to qualified buyers/carriers. Larry Hincker might need to wear a diaper that day, but he’d eventually get over himself.

  9. K-dAUG Says:

    Directly quoted from the posted link: “This police sketch shows the man believed to be the Virgina Tech Shooter, August 4, 2011.”


    Apparently, the media labels you a shooter even if you didn’t shoot a gun, but three kids with active imaginations think they saw you with one.

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