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A battle buddy

It involves mindset more than carrying.

5 Responses to “A battle buddy”

  1. John Smith. Says:

    Battle buddies. Not sure I would call it that. Combat team would be more appropriate. My wife and I have been doing it for more than 5 years now.. Of course we have been protecting each other since day one…

  2. wizardpc Says:

    Battle Buddy is the Army term for it.

  3. breda Says:

    I just love how so many of these posts imply that the women in your lives are somehow relegated to being your sidekicks. A cute little Robin to your Batman.

    Perhaps if more men started expecting their wives to act like adults and full partners who are responsible for their own safety instead of treating them like they are princesses in a tower in need of rescuing – oh, and training – by a gallant white knight (you, of course – our heroes! *swoon*) there’d be more women carrying.

  4. wizardpc Says:

    Uhmmmm…are you suggesting I force my wife to carry?

  5. RC Says:

    Hmmm, sounds like someone has issues. My wife is an adult and makes her choices as she sees them. Not my call to force her into any mold i prefer.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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