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Changing the language

Gene Hoffman on nomenclature changes. I’ve always preferred either weapons that look like assault weapons or politically incorrect self-loading rifles.

4 Responses to “Changing the language”

  1. Bubblehead Les Says:

    Well, if I can go to Jail because I stuck a pistol under my jacket w/o the Gooberment giving me the paperwork to do so, I guess to get their “Permission”, I need a “Permit.”

  2. Texas Jack Says:

    Texas has always called it a Concealed Handgun Licence (CHL).

  3. anon Says:

    I know it never caught on, but I liked “Homeland Defense Rifles”… and was amused by “Sport Utility Rifles”…

    Now, I’ve resigned myself to “Assault Weapons” and have grown to like it if no other reason than this: If we ‘win’ while everyone is still calling them “Assault Weapons” well… I see normalization of the idea that civilians should have access to common ‘Assault Weapons’ as a GOOD thing!

  4. Chris Says:

    Here in NC it is a CHP, Concealed Handgun Permit… CCW is a crime Carrying a Concealed Weapon.

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