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Selective enforcement of the law is a sign of tyranny

First, waivers for Obamacare. Then waiving tax rules for GM.

Now, in Tennessee, a waiver for No Child Left Behind.

5 Responses to “Selective enforcement of the law is a sign of tyranny”

  1. alan Says:

    What criteria for a police state does the US not meet?

    I can’t think of any.

  2. Chas Says:

    Markie Marxist sez: “People have to be punished because the law is the law, except when they’re politically correct according to Marxist values, then they don’t have to be punished, despite the law. It’s good for the law to be flexible like that, or we wouldn’t have equality under the law. You’re not against equality under the law, are you?”

  3. Ellen Says:

    It’s only fair. Taxes are for the little people, after all, which leaves an imbalance. So they invented waivers so the big people would have something.

  4. rickn8or Says:

    Oh, crap. What have “Go-Along Lamar” and “One-term Bob” sold us out for this time??

  5. Drang Says:

    FWIW, I understand other states also have NCLB waivers. I 49 of them, in fact.

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