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Come back with a . . .

Sad: Jani Lane, the ex-frontman for hair metal band Warrant, has died at the age of 47.

Big hair band guys are dying. I feel old.

9 Responses to “Come back with a . . .”

  1. Jay G. Says:

    Time for a red convertible, Unc… 😉

  2. Ed Says:

    Not to worry…Heaven Isn’t Too Far Away.

    too soon?

  3. Sebastiano Wino Says:

    Nope, right on time Ed. 🙂

    Don’t feel old–I rather doubt Jani died from old age.

  4. countertop Says:

    What Sebastiano said.

  5. MikeR Says:

    He did a show in Rochester, NY a few years back and was so drunk he couldn’t remember his own lyrics most of the time. Sad to see.

  6. Justthisguy Says:

    What is this “hair band” of which you speak? Is that the thing the gurlz used to call a barrette?

    I swear, kids these days. The next thing you know, they’ll start doing “credit checks” on prospective employees for no reason except to be bullies and exclude eager hard workers.

  7. Gnarlysheen Says:

    If your favorite band members are dying at 47, I don’t think age is the issue 😉

  8. Don Gwinn Says:

    Warrant wasn’t my favorite, exactly, but I used to love the “Ode to Tipper Gore.” Kept waiting for someone to use that one at political events, but nobody’s got that kind of vision nowadays.

  9. chris Says:

    If my real name was John Kennedy Oswald, I would probably change it, too.

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