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In Cali

A bill to mandate hotels use fitted sheets.

6 Responses to “In Cali”

  1. Cayton Says:

    Relevant Seinfeld reference.

  2. Bubblehead Les Says:

    And he gets paid HOW Much a year from the Kalifornia Taxpayers (all 8 that are left, I mean)?

  3. Kevin S Says:

    As if there’s already not enough for me to be embarrassed to call myself a Californian…

  4. Lyle Says:

    And just who would be surprised at this?

  5. Huck Says:

    “Mostly, though, he is making a fool out of himself and a mockery of the Senate and the state.”

    FYI; Kalifornistan and it’s so called government are ALREADY a mockery. Crap like this just reenforces that fact.

  6. Sebastian Says:

    I saw this too, and the mind just boggles. Bitter started telling me about and I remember saying “Wait a minute… what could possibly the issue against unfitted sheets? Unfortunately, the answer was a stupid as I could have imagined.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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