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A moment of sanity from TSA

A new program to profile people instead of fondling grandmothers and children. What a novel concept.

14 Responses to “A moment of sanity from TSA”

  1. Teke Says:

    Sounds great. Except I bet they’re training them to look for “Right Wing Extremists” instead of those from the religion of peace.

  2. Chas Says:

    Invisible terrorism that only highly trained government agents can see. What could go wrong?

  3. Bill Says:

    LOL!! I can’t even comment I’m laughing so hard!

  4. ZCORR Says:

    I’m thinking the two weeks of training might not be enough. Don’t people usually have to go to college for eight years to become psychiatrists?

  5. Bill Says:

    Actually, a psychiatrist requires 4 years of college, 4 years of med school, then 3-4 years of residency in psychiatry. So a minimum of 11 years!

  6. StanInTexas Says:

    There is nothing unusual about this, as the TSA has ALWAYS profiled. They check to make sure that they are not checking or hurting the feelings of too many young Middle Eastern males. Then they profile for the lowest threat and those least likely to pose a threat to passangers and pull THOSE people out of line for extra screening.

    I have every confidence that the TSA will use this new program to keep as many Americans off of planes as possible, while being 175% culturally sensative to anyone who looks like or claims to be a Muslim.

  7. Bryan S. Says:

    So they are doing away with the super long lines, the groping and the nude photo machines?

  8. Dirk Says:

    Hell, no, they’re not getting rid of everything else they’re already doing. This is in *addition* to what they’re already doing.

    And let me just say… They’re going to get a *LOT* of false positives, because there’s a *LOT* of people who abhor the TSA and everything they stand for. One of ’em asks me the purpose of my trip, I’m likely to say “None of your damned business.” And, it isn’t.

    If they want to engage people in conversation, asking invasive questions is not the way to do it. Talk about weather, or sports, or something.

  9. Speakertweaker Says:

    Next, on Lie To Me

  10. mikee Says:

    Or one could put a large picture of Mohammed on the floor of the screening area, and ask everyone to walk across it before boarding. Then interrogate those who won’t do so.

  11. A Critic Says:

    “A new program to profile people instead of fondling grandmothers and children.”

    But what sort of people will have the hardest time answering questions such as “What is the purpose of your trip”? The very old and very young.

  12. Sebastiano Who Loves Darwin Says:

    Everybody panicking about this needs to take a deep breath.

    Do you think El Al (folks who know a little bit about preventing terror) looks for Arabs or Muslims? Makes you pour out your Coke or breast milk before you fly? Looks at a scanned picture of your weiner?


    They don’t do any of that.

    They know that shit doesn’t make you safe. They’ve known for years that behavioral profiling is what works, and not trying to winnow out from a crowd who’s a Muslim and who isn’t.

  13. John Smith. Says:

    This is going to be such a fiasco… As soon as they ask someone where they are going and the reply is none of your motherfucking business then things will go down hill quickly… Or perhaps they will greet a New Yorker and the immediate reply is fuck you… They try to compare this to the israeli system but it is no where near as thorough…

  14. Bill Says:


    The difference is the level of intelligence of the people working for TSA vs. El Al and Israeli Security.

    Along with that, a significant number of TSA workers barely speak English coherently. They can’t pick up subtle nuances from noisy Americans, there is NO WAY they will do so from possible terrorists. A couple years ago I went through Dulles and BWI twice each within a week and only saw 6 people whose native language was English working for TSA.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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