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xrlq returns

Why Stupid People are NOT Protected Under the US Constitution!

6 Responses to “xrlq returns”

  1. Rivrdog Says:

    Fine rant, I suppose. If I was doing Life without Parole, I would probably RTWT. Brevity is the twin of simplicity, and simplicity makes for more adherents, xlrq.

  2. Xrlq Says:

    Rivrdog, I agree in theory but I think you may have missed the point. It wasn’t an open-ended rant, but a line-by-line spoof of a serious article by a serious idiot. My essay was just as brief, coherent and to the point as his was – which is to say anything but.

  3. Mu Says:

    ok, I had to look up hermeneutical, and only realized it was a spoof after I found the original idiocy.
    And I realize I’m more afraid of the idiots than the islamists, the former being so much more widespread.

  4. fucema Says:

    God… I tried real hard to finish reading but I just couldn’t. It was a meaty rant, from the looks of it. Anyone have a tl;dr ?

  5. fucema Says:

    Ok, saw Xrlq’s comment and links after I posted mine. I’ve visited the original ‘serious article’ and understand what’s going on.

    Anyone have a spoon I can borrow to scoop my brain back into my head? It exploded from all the stupid in that article.

  6. DirtCrashr Says:

    Go XRQL! Burn the Stupid with ICE!

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