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Rick Perry Stuff

Nice boots, Tex.

But someone should show him how to hold that rifle.

Update: As pointed out in comments, he could be bump firing.

6 Responses to “Rick Perry Stuff”

  1. TomcatTCH Says:

    I don’t see a third pin for the auto sear, so I’d call that a classic bump fire position.

    The guy seems to be a legitimate shooter. Been a while since one of those was even interested in the white house.

  2. DAD Says:

    Well at least he is not hugging a tree, I think he looks good, this will make Putin jealous, he will have to bend some more frying pans.

  3. martywd Says:

    Nice boots, Tex.

    Probably an old pic?   I read recently in a post somewhere that after back surgery Perry doesn’t wear ‘boots’ anymore.   These days it’s orthopedic shoes.

  4. DirtCrashr Says:

    *claps* How many NewYawkLiberal heads are exploding after seeing that?

  5. Jeff the Baptist Says:

    It may also be a staged photo. If he had a good cheek weld then his face would be obscured at that angle.

  6. Pop N Fresh Says:

    If Mark was around I’m suprised it’s not a full auto
    LaRue doesn’t put on a 1/2 ass show

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