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Most popular operating system ranked most attacked operating system by guys who sell protection.

4 Responses to “Shocking”

  1. Standard Mischief Says:

    This is news because android is a fork of linux, and linux has always been considered way more secure that XP.

    This is not really news though because the phones usually come from the maker locked down with a bunch of crapware installed.

    This is also not really news because many exploits actually require assistance from and tricking of the end user

  2. jumpthestack Says:

    I work in the software security industry, and it is true that Android suffers much more malware. The reason is not that there is an inherent vulnerability in the platform, but that because it’s a much more open platform, it’s easy for users to manually install a bunch of crappy evil software.

    On iOS you can only download software from the App Store, where there is at least some vetting of the apps and some accountability for bad apps.

    If you’re an Android person and you don’t install shady software, you’re ok. Knowing whether or not software is shady is nontrivial, though.

  3. Andy Says:

    Since when are Python and Java ME considered an operating system?

  4. Borepatch Says:

    Yeah, but it’s the “most secure Android” ever! 😉

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